Hi Team, I don't know if I'll get to it, but I'm thinking of changing the names of two tables (and their corresponding POJOs) prior to 5.1 going out to better clarify their purpose. I put in a new macro in our database creation scripts allowing us to rename a table. It will work for all databases except Microsoft SQL Server (which doesn't have a rename table command OOTB, you have to call some stored procedure for it) and in a few cases Derby, namely if another table references the table you are renaming via a foreign key (not relevant in my situation below), you have to drop the fk in Derby before renaming the table (and recreating the fk).

The two tables are WEBPAGE and ROLLER_TEMPLATECODE. The webpage table is populated only when a user decides to do modifications to one of the standard themes, if that happens one row will be entered for the stylesheet and one row for each of the templates making up the theme into that table. In turn, for each of the rows added to WEBPAGE, one (for "standard", for all single themes) or two rows ("mobile" and "standard", if the basic-mobile dual theme is chosen) will be added to ROLLER_TEMPLATECODE. Each row in the latter table stores the template or stylesheet code that has been customized by the user. While there is no formal defined database foreign key relationship, nonetheless the latter table points back to the former via the "templateid" column.

I'm thinking of renaming WEBPAGE to CUSTOM_TEMPLATE and ROLLER_TEMPLATECODE to CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_RENDITION. The WEBPAGE table does not store webpages but just custom templates for a blog. Renaming the latter to CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_RENDITION better shows the close relationship between the two tables, and also better clarifies what the latter is for: to store potentially multiple renderings of a custom template -- standard, mobile, perhaps tablet for some people. WDYT?


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