Hi Team, we're inconsistent right now in what we allow folks with "author" permission to do -- currently:

Categories -- menu item is *visible*
-- they can't add categories (throws a permission error)
-- they can edit (rename) them
-- they can delete them

Bookmarks -- menu item is *invisible*
-- they can still add bookmarks if they know the URL
-- they can't edit them
-- they can't delete them

I'd like to make these consistent for each group above -- allow all or disallow all. For Bookmark, shut off the ability for them to add a bookmark, as I guess it was never intended for them to be able to, as they don't have a bookmark menu option anyway.

For categories? Because the author is not allowed to alter other presentation matters such as the theme or (apparently) bookmarks, I'm leaning that the task of configuring categories should remain with the Admin, let the author suggest to the Admin the categories that the blog should have. I.e., take out the Categories tab for authors as well as their ability to edit/rename them. Or, are we going to allow authors to modify categories? In this case I'll need to open up Category Add for them to make it consistent.


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