Hello team,
During my exploration for documentation, I found the documentation
link [1] on Roller home page [2] under the Documentation section.
I see, currently, we are storing the documents in odt format.

I would like to know the thoughts of the community on moving the
documentation from .odt to .md

We will have the following advantage if we use md format -

1. Rendering support of md file on GitHub
The GitHub nicely render the md files, so if the files in md format,
it will be easily rendered on GitHub.
The odt files don't have any preview on GitHub and it forces the user
to download to view the content. (This is annoying for the user and
developers ;-)
e.g. https://github.com/apache/roller/blob/master/docs/roller-template-guide.odt

2. Easy to maintain, the md standard is widely accepted
The md format is widely used and this will open up the opportunity for
new collaborators to participate.

Kindly let me know if I am missing any information or history or
purpose for maintaining our docs in .odt format.

P.S. I see we are also maintaining the pdf version of odt [3] in master branch.
The conversion from md to pdf is also doable.
IMO, if we move our documents to md version, the pdf conversation will
be no longer required since it will be rendered on GitHub properly.
(Still, if I am missing anything, please feel free to comment :-)

[1] https://github.com/apache/roller/tree/roller-5.2.0/docs
[2] http://roller.apache.org/
[3] https://github.com/apache/roller/tree/master/docs

Best regards,
Swapnil M Mane,

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