Thank you :)

I am glad that I can contribute something back to Apache Roller after using it for so long (although I haven't been blogging much lately).

Roller became a little bit like a sandbox for experiments to me. Whenever I want to try something, usually my blog ( ) going to be the ginny pick first. It is always running on the latest JDK (or EA build) and trying out some new GC settings (currently Shenandoah). It logs everything directly to JFR for example using a slf4j-jfr bridge I once wrote. It also ran a few days on virtual threads (project loom) when I swapped out the thread pool of jetty as a test. I once even started it on my workstation, dumped the JVM process using CRIU to a file, created a container image which included that file and mapped the started and warmed up JVM into memory on the "server" since i needed an excuse to play with panama + criu.

The "server" is a Raspberry pi 3 btw and is probably 5x more powerful (while significantly more efficient) than the old dual socket dell workstation I used as a repurposed server back when I started roller the very first time.

best regards,

On 25.05.21 09:53, Yash Maheshwari wrote:
Congratulations, Michael!

On Tue, 25 May 2021 at 10:35, Aditya Sharma <> wrote:

Hello everyone,

The Roller PMC has invited Michael Bien to become a member of the committee
and we are glad to announce he has accepted the nomination.

On behalf of the Roller PMC, welcome onboard Michael!

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