Thanks Shane.

When we were discussing this earlier, we were discussing two IDE-friendly
release artifacts, one designed for folks migrating from Apache Flex and
another for folks not interested in SWF.  In the packaging branch I have
most of that working.

We were discussing calling the migration package 'FlexJS' and the other
one Royale or RoyaleJS.  The latter is considered by some folks to mean
"Royale for JS".  The package names would be
apache-royale-flexjs-<version> and maybe apache-royale-royalejs-<version>.
 The project name would definitely be Royale but I think we want to have
artifacts that denote target markets.

All of this is open for discussion though, and this seems like a good
thread to do it.

What do folks think now about packaging for Royale?


On 9/28/17, 3:35 AM, "Shane Curcuru" <> wrote:

>The ASF has a policy for general branding:
>And a guide for how others should refer to Apache products and projects
>(mainly focused at various companies who try to abuse our brands):
>So in general the primary brand for the product as a whole would be
>Apache Royaleâ„¢.
>- Shane

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