Hi Nicolas,

Very good perspective.

I think Royale’s philosophy is to allow different component sets for different 
user types. The two obvious ones that exist right now are Basic and Express. 
Basic emphasizes small and fast, while Express emphasizes usable.

A lot of the discussions you’ll see on the dev list pertain to the Basic set 
because that should serve as the basis for other sets. In a sense it’s the core 
of the framework and we want to keep it as performant as possible.

I think it’s great that you maintain an app developer’s perspective. It should 
motivate us to invest more time in usability and expand the Express component 
set. Alex has been talking about ‘adopting’ another dev team to facilitate 
their way to a production Royale app. If you choose to go on that path, I’m 
sure the usability issues will receive close attention and the Express 
component set will benefit.


From: Idylog - Nicolas Granon<mailto:ngra...@idylog.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 12:59 AM
To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
Subject: RE: Event Metadata

Thank you for your answer.

You say that there is no sure way to know which is faster/smaller.

This somewhat joins your comment about my suggestion regarding 
"DateChooserEvent" ("[royale-asjs] branch develop updated: Fixes #24" thread) 
where you speak about "usability vs code size".

At some point, you have to choose your target (no pun intended). I mean, you 
have to choose if the SDK main "philosophy" is "small", or "fast" or "usable" 
("main" meaning that is does not ignore the other options, but is considered 

Do not forget that (enterprise) Flex Applications have typical long load delays 
: we do not care if an application has a 20s. or 30s. load time (2mn would be 
We compare with "local install" applications like, say Excel, or Photoshop, or 
accounting/payroll/ or any enterprise integrated management software (ERPs).
We definitely do *not* compare with a web site ! (where we want load time under 
3 seconds at most).

Did you ever try to load a Sage(tm) "cloud" application ? (I do not blame 
Sage(tm). It's just an example. I could have talked about SAP(tm) or any other 
"cloud enterprise management software").
Load time is about 1mn30s at best ! Really.
Or, check Photoshop (local install) load time.

Code size, for us, (I insist : "for us, enterprise app developers"), is not 
really an issue. Our first Flex app was created 8 years ago. It's now a 2MB SWF 
(compressed) initial load. We never had any complaint from any customer about 
load time.
On the other end, runtime performance *is* important (interactive).

In the end, what will make us choose Apache Royale over other options (React 
being on top of the list) is mainly usability from the developers' point of 
view, and interactive responsiveness, not "small footprint".

If Apache Royale main target is enterprise applications (RIAs) we believe it 
should favor usability over small footprint and short load time and avoid 
"unnecessary" complexity.
Enterprise apps users do not have the same expectations as "individuals" (web 
surfers). They favor consistency, robustness and ergonomics over raw 
performances (but of course, runtime performance must not go against 
ergonomics). Even on mobile devices, our customers accept "long" load time 
because they know that they are loading an enterprise app. Not a widget.

Classic Flex was about RIAs. We realize that we do not really know what Apache 
Royale is about.
Is it RIAs ?

We believe that it should be clearly decided, as it will shape the evolution of 
the project.

Some of us here (applications developers) are in the RIA domain. Others might 
be in other domains where the trade-off are different.

In classic Flex, code size was not a concern : code was big (really big !) but 
usability was great. It was an assumed choice, and I believe all RIAs 
developers were quite aware of that choice. If code was really too big, you 
could slice the app into modules and load on-demand.
Believe us, we never heard a user complaining about time lag when switching 
from "payroll module" to "accounting module" (even if it meant waiting for 
30s.) : when you switch from one "universe" to another, everybody think it is 
normal to have a lag.

On the other hand, it the dev team's goal is to create a "web site" creation 
tool, please say it clearly ! It's quite a different goal, and trade-off output 
will be quite different !

To summarize, we believe that, for enterprise application developers, the 
"usability" criterion comes first, "fast" being second, and "small" being last.

I'm pretty sure that all this will raise some comments !

Best regards,

Nicolas Granon

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID]
> Envoyé : mercredi 1 novembre 2017 21:30
> À : dev@royale.apache.org; ngra...@idylog.com
> Objet : Re: Event Metadata
> That is one of the possible approaches.  The trade-off is, as you
> mention, having to filter out the right event vs all of the work re-
> dispatching events.  Right now the strand is the wrapping component.
> It doesn't have to be and maybe we should change that, but in order for
> MXML event attributes to work you have to dispatch off the wrapping
> component and that makes the beads want to dispatch off the
> strand/component and then you are back to filtering again.
> One advantage of dispatching off the strand is that a bead that wants
> to get an event from another bead doesn't have to find that bead.  It
> can just listen to the strand.  It isn't any different than any other
> shared communication infrastructure.  You have to spend time filtering
> or figuring out direct hookups.  I'm not sure there is a way to know
> what is faster/smaller.  It might differ based on the situation.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 11/1/17, 12:15 PM, "Idylog - Nicolas Granon" <ngra...@idylog.com>
> wrote:
> >Excuse my naive comment :
> >
> >In my opinion, we have two different situations :
> >
> >Case 1 : I use a component, and I add one or more beads to it (in the
> >source code where the component is used) (inlined).
> >Case 2 : I use a component that is *already* composed of one strand
> and
> >a number of beads (or none) (a reusable component)
> >
> >Case 1 :
> >In my mind (as an app developer), I obviously know what I am doing.
> >
> >It is quite logical, from my point of view, to have listeners attached
> >to the "component" (that is, indirectly, to the "strand part") and
> >other listeners (or same !) attached to the beads I am interested in.
> >After all, if I understood clearly, a bead is a way to "add
> >functionality", right ?
> >Then, it is very logical to me to listen to events from that specific
> >functionality bead) since I expressly added that piece of
> functionality.
> >I should not be confused by events with same name but from other beads
> >: I only have to make sure that I listen to the "target" phase.
> >
> >In MXML, component events could be captured from the "component" tag,
> >and bead events from the bead sub-tags.
> >
> >If a bead wants to listen to events from another bead, nothing
> prevents
> >it from doing so (Im not sure of that ??).
> >The metatags exposed by the strand as well as the metatags exposed by
> >the beads would then be accessible.
> >
> >Case 2 :
> >Maybe I use a component designed by someone else, or maybe I designed
> >it myself.
> >It is the component developer's responsibility to manage "internal"
> >events and then to redispatch "beads" events as "component" events if
> >needed (maybe under another event name).
> >A developer using a "wrapped" composite component should only listen
> to
> >"component" events (public events), not "bead event" (abstraction of
> >internal representation) The metatags exposed by the "wrapped"
> >component should be public events only.
> >
> >Final case :
> >The wrapped component is composited from another wrapped component
> plus
> >some additional beads. In other words, it expends an reusable
> component
> >which already contains some beads.
> >In that case, the "inner" component (the base class) is considered as
> a
> >strand and the global logic is the same as in case (2).
> >
> >All in all, this is not very different from what happens in classic
> >Flex when building "complex " components...(which are really
> >composited, not simple subclasses).
> >
> >Too naïve to be useful, maybe ???
> >
> >Nicolas Granon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Message d'origine-----
> >> De : Peter Ent [mailto:p...@adobe.com.INVALID] Envoyé : mardi 31
> >> octobre 2017 20:39 À : dev@royale.apache.org Objet : Re: Event
> >> Metadata (was Re: [GitHub] ...: Image not removed when src set to
> >> null
> >>
> >> I typically use the strand as the central dispatcher for intra-bead
> >> communication. Sometimes an event from a bead conflicts with an
> event
> >> dispatched by the strand to the "outside". For example, if a bead
> >> were to need to send a "change" event and another bead was listening
> >> for that event, "change" is pretty generic and an app writer who is
> >> also listening for change on that strand might get the wrong event.
> >>
> >> I have not developed any protocol to deal with this, but perhaps
> >> events used internally for components should prefix the event type
> >> with something (e.g., "_change") unique to indicate the event is
> internal.
> >> Events are really the only way we have of beads talking to each
> other.
> >>
> >> We need to document what events a bead is doing to send and what it
> >> is willing to accept and how it will be used. I confess I have not
> >> done that very often and for Royale to be useful, documentation like
> >> this has to be done. But we need a pattern of use established so
> >> there is consistency.
> >>
> >> Let's say you have a bead that you do want to put into MXML and that
> >> bead produces events. The Drag and Drop work comes to mind. When you
> >> add a DragSource bead to a list, you the app writer, might want to
> >> know when certain things happen, such as DRAG_START. The List does
> >> not have DRAG_START listed in its event metadata so dispatching this
> >> event from the List won't work for the app writer. The app writer
> wants to do:
> >> <js:DragSource dragStart="myThing(event)" /> right in MXML.
> >>
> >> As it turns out, this DRAG_START is also used internally by the drag
> >> controller so I think there is another class of events that do get
> >> dispatched by beads but not on the strand, but on themselves. In
> this
> >> case, these events are not "internal" but public.
> >>
> >> Both internal (dispatched by beads targeting the strand) and public
> >> (dispatched by beads targeting themselves) can coexist nicely as
> long
> >> as we have some rules.
> >>
> >> HTH
> >> ‹peter
> >>
> >> On 10/31/17, 1:46 PM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
> >>
> >> >For 1) the rule already is that if you want to access an implicit
> >> >bead you have to explicitly declare it.  So if a bead is normally
> >> >brought
> >> in
> >> >via CSS, you instead declare that bead on the strand and make
> >> adjustments.
> >> >UIBase doesn't care how the beads get placed on the strand, and all
> >> >bead loading code is supposed to check the strand first before
> >> grabbing
> >> >a default bead from CSS.  IOW, if it wasn't declared in MXML, then
> >> >declare it in MXML in order to access it.
> >> >
> >> >For 2) we are learning towards having beads dispatch their
> important
> >> >events off the strand instead of off of the bead. Otherwise we have
> >> >to add event forwarding code if people want to listen to the
> >> >containing component for events which is pretty normal if you think
> >> >of the component as a black box.  And then duplicate event names
> >> >does become
> >> an issue.
> >> >
> >> >It will be interesting to see you try your EventListener bead and
> >> >see how it feels and if it is a lot of code or not.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks,
> >> >-Alex
> >> >
> >> >On 10/31/17, 10:08 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>The problems that come to mind with attaching the events to the
> >> >>beads
> >> >>are:
> >> >>1. The beads are not necessarily declared in MXML, so that leaves
> >> >>the question of how to address the beads via MXML.
> >> >>2. More than one bead might dispatch the same event. To get them
> >> >>all, it seems like it¹s necessary to attach the event listener to
> >> >>the
> >> strand.
> >> >>
> >> >>> On Oct 31, 2017, at 5:24 PM, Alex Harui
> >> >>><aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
> >> >>>wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Renaming thread.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Another option is for the beads themselves to have event
> metadata
> >> >>> for events they dispatch and either:
> >> >>> 1) the bead dispatches both off of itself and its strand, or
> >> >>> 2) certain addEventListener calls are passed to the strand.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> That's sort of the general pattern for de-composing or
> "exploding"
> >> a
> >> >>> component.  And then the wrapping component doesn't need
> metadata
> >> >>> that won't apply to the beads declared.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Having a bead that can attach a particular kind of listener and
> >> call
> >> >>>a  handler also fits in our patterns.  And similarly, a bead that
> >> >>>dispatches  platform-specific might be useful as well.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> My 2 cents,
> >> >>> -Alex
> >> >>>
> >> >>> On 10/31/17, 3:15 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> Good points.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>> One issue to consider are whether a container of beads should
> >> >>>>>be have  metadata about the events dispatched by its beads
> since
> >> >>>>>the changing of  beads could make that metadata incorrect.
> IMO,
> >> >>>>>this has been a problem  in  Flex forever.  Maybe a smarter IDE
> >> >>>>>could figure out what beads are  currently in play and
> aggregate
> >> >>>>>allowable events from those beads'
> >> >>>>> metadata someday.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Hmm. Not a simple problem. One approach we can take is to add
> >> >>>>metadata to  the component and include documentation on which
> >> >>>>beads are required for  the event to fire.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Of course this only takes care of more-or-less standard beads.
> >> >>>>Optional
> >> >>>> beads that are generally not used would need another mechanism
> >> >>>>to specify  event handlers in MXML (if that would be supported).
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Considering the ³smarter IDE approach², it seems like there¹s
> >> >>>>two
> >> >>>> problems:
> >> >>>> 1. The compiler needs to know that the attributes are OK.
> >> >>>>Currently, the  compiler will complain if you use an
> unrecognized
> >> >>>>tag.
> >> >>>> 2. There¹s lots of ways to add beads, and it¹s hard to know if
> a
> >> >>>>specific  bead is actually added. They can be added using CSS,
> AS
> >> >>>>code and MXML.
> >> >>>> Dynamically following that flow in tooling seems like a
> *really*
> >> >>>>hard  problem.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> Another idea would be to allow specifying event handlers in a
> >> >>>>format  something like this:
> >> >>>> <js:FooComponent id=³foo²>
> >> >>>> <js:events>
> >> >>>> <js:EventDescriptor type²layoutNeeded²
> >> >>>>handler=³handleLayoutNeeded()²/>
> >> >>>> </js:events>
> >> >>>> </js:FooComponent>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> I¹m kind of liking this idea as it follows the pattern we
> >> currently
> >> >>>>have  for beads and styles. EventDescriptor could be subclassed
> >> >>>>to have classes  of events which could offer code completion for
> >> >>>>the available event  types. There would not be enforcement that
> >> >>>>the events would actually be  dispatched, but I think it would
> be
> >> >>>>helpful and would allow users to  specify random event handlers
> >> >>>>declaratively.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>> Another issue to consider is cross-platform.  A component may
> >> >>>>> not be able to dispatch the events listed in metadata on all
> >> >>>>> platforms.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> It seems to me that metadata on cross-platform components
> should
> >> >>>>always  be cross-platform. If there are platform-specific
> events,
> >> >>>>they should not  be included or there should be a
> >> >>>>platform-specific component. We¹ve  already solved the problem
> >> >>>>with mouse events by renaming the event  strings in the compiler
> >> >>>>depending on the
> >> target.
> >> >>>>(i.e. ³doubleClick² in  MXML becomes ³dblclick² automatically
> for
> >> JS
> >> >>>>output). I think Mouse  events are an exception, but if there
> are
> >> >>>>any other events that fit this  exception, they should be
> handled
> >> >>>>the same way.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>> On Oct 30, 2017, at 8:41 PM, Alex Harui
> >> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
> >> >>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Some Metadata is kept in the output, but events probably
> aren't.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> One issue to consider are whether a container of beads should
> >> >>>>>be have  metadata about the events dispatched by its beads
> since
> >> >>>>>the changing of  beads could make that metadata incorrect.
> IMO,
> >> >>>>>this has been a problem  in  Flex forever.  Maybe a smarter IDE
> >> >>>>>could figure out what beads are  currently in play and
> aggregate
> >> >>>>>allowable events from those beads'
> >> >>>>> metadata someday.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Another issue to consider is cross-platform.  A component may
> >> >>>>> not be able to dispatch the events listed in metadata on all
> >> >>>>> platforms.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Also consider that on JS, events probably have to be
> propagated
> >> >>>>>from the  wrapped element to the strand so there is cost there.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> It is hopefully easy enough for anyone who wants to get an
> >> >>>>>event that  isn't already in metadata, to subclass, add the
> >> >>>>>metadata and any wiring.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> My 2 cents,
> >> >>>>> -Alex
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> On 10/30/17, 11:24 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com
> >> >>>>> <mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> I¹m not talking about adding events. I¹m talking about adding
> >> >>>>>>metadata  for *existing events* so they could be addressed in
> >> >>>>>>MXML.
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2017, at 8:18 PM, Piotr Zarzycki
> >> >>>>>>> <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>
> >> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> If you decide to add event that's fine with me. :) It is
> just
> >> >>>>>>>the  matter of  thinking about those Basic components from my
> >> >>>>>>>sight. I have started to  look  at them as something which
> >> should
> >> >>>>>>>be closer to HTML than to the old  Flex  world. Rest of the
> >> >>>>>>>features should be provided by beads - if it is  possible  or
> >> >>>>>>>by Express.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> The exception could be and MDL from that which I would like
> >> >>>>>>>to extend,  but  here I can think about those components as
> >> >>>>>>>they
> >> are
> >> >>>>>>>Express right now.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Piotr
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> 2017-10-30 19:07 GMT+01:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> Why? Unless it adds overhead, it seems to me like any event
> >> >>>>>>>>that can  be  added using addEventListener() should be
> >> >>>>>>>>addressable using MXML.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> I¹m just not sure from a technical perspective whether the
> >> MXML
> >> >>>>>>>>meta  tags  add overhead if not used.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2017, at 8:02 PM, Piotr Zarzycki
> >> >>>>>>>>> <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>
> >> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Hi Harbs,
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Some time ago there were discussion on Flex Dev which
> makes
> >> me
> >> >>>>>>>>> realize
> >> >>>>>>>> that
> >> >>>>>>>>> we should add event tags as long as they are reflecting
> >> >>>>>>>>>some native  HTML  api, unless we are in express. For
> >> >>>>>>>>>example we
> >> are
> >> >>>>>>>>>using in many  places  "change" event which is I believe
> >> >>>>>>>>>quite common in JS world, but I  would  avoid any
> additional
> >> >>>>>>>>>custom one. In the other world Let's answer to  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>question in following case - Does "img" in HTML world have
> "load"
> >> >>>>>>>>> event ?
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Piotr
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> 2017-10-30 18:47 GMT+01:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> This does raise a good question:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Should we be adding MXML meta tags for all supported
> events?
> >> >>>>>>>>>> It seems
> >> >>>>>>>> like
> >> >>>>>>>>>> a desirable thing to have, and there are currently very
> >> >>>>>>>>>>few event  tags.
> >> >>>>>>>> I¹m
> >> >>>>>>>>>> not clear on whether the meta-tags effect the end result
> >> >>>>>>>>>> of code size.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Harbs
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2017, at 7:38 PM, GitBox <g...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> justinmclean commented on issue #60: Image not removed
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> when src set to
> >> >>>>>>>>>> null
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> URL:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%253>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>A%
> >> 2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F%2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>gi
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> th
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>><https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>3A
> >> %
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2F%
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>Fg
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ith>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ub.com
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>A%
> >> 2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F%2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>ub
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <js:Application
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>> <library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic>">
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>   <fx:Script><![CDATA[
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       import org.apache.flex.events.IEventDispatcher;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       public function blankimage():void {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.visible = false;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.src =
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>> foundation/press/kit/
> >> >>>>>>>>>> poweredBy/Apache_PoweredBy.png";
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       }
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       public function showImage():void {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.visible = true;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       }
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       ]]></fx:Script>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl/>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>   </js:valuesImpl>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           <js:Container id="startPage" visible="true"
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> width="100%">
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>               <js:beads>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>                   <js:VerticalLayout />
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>               </js:beads>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>               <js:Image id="image"
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>0
> >> >>>>>>>>>> foundation/press/kit/asf_logo_url.png" width="50%"
> >> height="50%"
> >> >>>>>>>>>> layoutNeeded="showImage()" />
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>               <js:TextButton text="Blank"
> >> click="blankimage()"
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>/>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           </js:Container>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       </js:View>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>   </js:initialView>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> </js:Application>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> With this error:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>/Users/justinmclean/IdeaProjects/FlexJSTest/src/ImageBlank
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>.m
> >> x
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>ml(
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>6)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> :
> >> >>>>>>>>>> col: 130 This attribute is unexpected. It will be
> ignored.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>               <js:Image id="image"
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>src="https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=ht
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>tp
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>%3A
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>3A
> >> %
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2F%
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Fwww.apache.org
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >>>>>>>>>>><https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>A%
> >> 2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F%2
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>fw
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>%
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>35
> >> 5
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >>>>>>>>>>>a=pniuBoujFMWxq1MjO1rmnLPHgMC6CzFPHl2HhXjOwhk%3D&reserved=
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>0
> >> >>>>>>>>>> foundation/press/kit/asf_logo_url.png" width="50%"
> >> height="50%"
> >> >>>>>>>>>> layoutNeeded="showImage()" />
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> I assume the only way to do this would be to add a hard
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> coded event
> >> >>>>>>>>>> listener manually like so?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>   <fx:Script><![CDATA[
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       public function blankimage():void {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.visible = false;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.src =
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>"https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>3A
> >> %
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2F%
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>Fw
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ww
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>3A
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2F%
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>Fw
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ww>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> .apache.org
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>><https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>A%
> >> 2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F%2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>F
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>ap
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>ache.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C54b744f304af408f80c908d52048
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>3%7
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>C
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>fa
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>2F
> >> &
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>dat
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>> 2%7C01%7C%7Cd0405ef4adc6485ba55208d51fc38b07%7Cf
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>09
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> >> >>>>>>>>>>>a=
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> pn
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> iuBoujFMWxq1MjO1rmnLPHgMC6CzFPHl2HhXjOwhk%3D&reserved=0
> >> >>>>>>>> foundation/press/kit/
> >> >>>>>>>>>> poweredBy/Apache_PoweredBy.png";
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.addEventListener("layoutNeeded",
> >> showImage);
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       }
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       public function showImage(event:Event):void {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>           image.visible = true;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       }
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>       ]]></fx:Script>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>---------------------------------------------------------
> -
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>--
> >> -
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>---  This is an automated message from the Apache Git
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>Service.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> To respond to the message, please log on GitHub and use
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>the URL above to go to the specific comment.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> For queries about this service, please contact
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>Infrastructure
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>at:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> us...@infra.apache.org <mailto:us...@infra.apache.org>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> With regards,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Apache Git Services
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> mobile: +48 880 859 557
> >> >>>>>>>>> skype: zarzycki10
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> LinkedIn:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%252>
> >> >>>>>>>>>F%
> >> 2
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> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> mobile: +48 880 859 557
> >> >>>>>>> skype: zarzycki10
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> LinkedIn:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>>>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%25>
> >> >>>>>>>2F
> >> www.
> >> >>>>>>>l
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