Great start!

Some comments:

> But for Vivid, I'm still figuring if it should be
> something "flat" and very simple, or go with something more elaborated
> since the thing I did in the example with orange button.

“Flat” is still “in”, but the trend has been moving a bit towards odd blocky 

I think “vivid” should probably be more-or-less flat, but ideally it should 
have some subtle animations and there should be some way to support relief 

> * I like the look and feel of Google Material, how textfields looks and
> behaves, the animations, and visual concepts. But the problem is that all
> that visuals are clearly Google Material.

Material Design is something you either like or hate. For general purpose, I 
think Bootstrap is probably more generally useful. <>

I do think it would be cool to have a Material Design theme and an iOS theme 
which could be dynamically swapped depending on the platform.

> * In the other hand, someone would want to join me in this effort?

I personally have a lot on my plate right now. I hope someone else does help 
you on this because I think it’s really important to have. What about Trevor 
and Angelo who started on some work a few months ago?

> * About colors…

I think that it should be easy for clients to define color sets (similar to how 
it’s done with MDL). There should be a way to use the compiler to have color 
variables or possibly a Theme class which globally changes colors at runtime 
(or compile time).


> On Nov 3, 2017, at 2:15 AM, Carlos Rovira <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to expose my initial work (very very initial) on two styles for
> Royale
> Wireframe:
> (Wireframe intention is for quick Royale App prototyping, people will use
> this to start their applications, and then moving to it's own styling that
> could be another royale theme provided by us, or something done by users.
> Vivid (to put some temporal name):
> (*Please, Notice that only the first button has some styling here*)
> (This theme could be the default theme for royale components like halo was
> for mx and spark was for spark)
> I want to put in place all the main components, so I would need some
> "component list" (Button, TextInput, CheckBox,...and what more?.), and
> we'll be centering all the effort in only that list of components.
> We need to "paint" all and the code all.
> The concept of theme involve a concrete set of components (and this bring
> us again if we should do this to be pluggable for Basic, or go directly
> with Express, I think even Basic should be able to use a theme maybe using
> beads to be PAYG)
> So, before continue tomorrow, I want some feedback on this:
> * I think Wireframe is clearly something Black&White, maybe as I did, in
> some grey scale colors. But for Vivid, I'm still figuring if it should be
> something "flat" and very simple, or go with something more elaborated
> since the thing I did in the example with orange button.
> * I like the look and feel of Google Material, how textfields looks and
> behaves, the animations, and visual concepts. But the problem is that all
> that visuals are clearly Google Material. Should we create something more
> new? This has a problem that maybe we could reach something great....or
> not, and is more work to iterate something until we reach a good point.
> For example, the text input I created has the classic box look, for me
> Material Design is better with only a bootom line, but the first is more
> generalist, while the second is clearly google, android,... I could try to
> think in something new a see what happens
> * In the other hand, someone would want to join me in this effort? If so I
> could center in the design part, and other person could work with me on the
> example project "RoyaleThemes". The example app is very important, since it
> could have a playground for every component so we can tweak at runtime. we
> could even generate the code to get that look...this could be like
> FlexThemeManager App that we had in the Flex days.
> * About colors for the second again, don't have any preferences right now,
> I put the same colors that use on the web in the first button, but as I
> said before things (colors and forms) could change dramatically in the
> second set. In the first one (Wireframe) I think it's ok to go the path
> exposed in the image example.
> Thanks for your comments on this, we'll be defining what we want as we
> comment here ok?
> I'm done for today,
> 2017-11-02 14:22 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira <>:
>> Thanks Harbs!
>> very useful, I'll be keeping this info as I make some work
>> Carlos
>> 2017-11-02 12:13 GMT+01:00 Harbs <>:
>>> BTW, the kind of thing we should be striving for in theme-able components
>>> is something like this:
>>> <>
>>>> On Nov 2, 2017, at 12:01 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
>>>> FYI, I worked out a theming class for my (Royale) InDesign extensions
>>> which allows for setting global CSS at runtime. The approach might be
>>> useful in your theming effort:
>>>> <>
>>>> (Some of the code is specific to Adobe Extensions.)
>>>> Some pointers:
>>>> I used inject_html because I needed some overrides in a CSS file. I
>>> might have been able to rework it so the CSS file was not needed.
>>>> There is a function called createStyleSheet which is commented out.
>>> That creates a stylesheet called “royale_theme_styles”. It’s the same as
>>> including a blank css file with the same name, but it’s loaded dynamically
>>> rather than requiring the file to be included. If that function is used
>>> inject_html is not necessary.
>>>> The order of dynamically loaded CSS has the same rules as CSS loaded
>>> via declaring it in HTML and the later ones override the earlier ones. We
>>> can probably take advantage of that for different levels of defaults.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Harbs
>>>>> On Nov 1, 2017, at 8:05 PM, Carlos Rovira <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I think I could start to try what Harbs expose, although I think what I
>>>>> will need in the end is to control some SVG parts with variables. Maybe
>>>>> with the showed SVG/CSS relation could be sufficient. I'll be showing
>>> how
>>>>> limitations I find. As well as Alex said having inline SVG as HTML
>>> would be
>>>>> very useful.
>>>>> 2017-11-01 18:27 GMT+01:00 Harbs < <mailto:
>>>>>> I’m not sure. I haven’t seen problems.
>>>>>> The only issues that come to mind are:
>>>>>> 1. There’s no load events on SVG images on Microsoft browsers.
>>>>>> 2. Chrome has issues with SVG, transforms and fractional pixels.
>>>>>> 3. There’s some blending issues that different browsers handle
>>> differently
>>>>>> depending on isolation modes.
>>>>>> There’s likely other issues, but these are ones that I’ve had to deal
>>> with.
>>>>>> The major gotcha in terms of mixing HTML and SVG is that HTML can not
>>> be
>>>>>> nested inside SVG without ForeignObject. ForeignObject does not have
>>> full
>>>>>> browser support.
>>>>>>> On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:08 PM, Alex Harui <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> A couple of years ago, I thought I had learned that some browsers had
>>>>>>> issues with SVG background-images.  Maybe psuedo-states were
>>> involved,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> a Button might "blink" as it changed states and loaded an SVG
>>>>>>> background-image.  Do we know if that was just a bug in some browser
>>> or
>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> that still a concern?
>>>>>>> I think I would like to see a simple set of HTML/SVG/CSS/JS that
>>> shows
>>>>>> how
>>>>>>> any declarative SVG and JS have to work together to handle resizable
>>>>>>> skins/components.  Then it might be more obvious what needs to
>>> change in
>>>>>>> the tooling.  We allow inline HTML now in MXML.  I think we
>>> can/should
>>>>>>> allow inline SVG, but for both inline HTML and SVG, id's in the
>>> inline
>>>>>>> content do not become id's to MXML and AS.
>>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>>> -Alex
>> --
>> Carlos Rovira
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira

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