Sorry for the late response. Yes, go ahead!

- Josh

On 2017-11-04 11:30, Harbs <> wrote: 
> Awesome!
> I assume that this means I can code the code to the Royale repo under Apache 
> 2. Right?
> Harbs
> > On Nov 3, 2017, at 5:37 PM, Josh Tynjala <> wrote:
> > 
> > Please feel free to use my test runner. I'm happy to commit it somewhere to 
> > make it official Apache code, if necessary.
> > 
> > - Josh
> > 
> > On 2017-11-03 04:19, Harbs <> wrote: 
> >> One topic which keeps coming up is better test coverage for Royale.
> >> 
> >> I think this is becoming a critical issue for a few reasons:
> >> 1. As we get close to version 1.0 it’s necessary to have good test 
> >> coverage for confidence of quality and confidence that we don’t 
> >> introduce recessive bugs.
> >> 2. It’s really hard to accept Github pull requests without examining 
> >> the code VERY well that it does not introduce recessive bugs. CI which 
> >> runs automated tests could give a preliminary test on pull requests to 
> >> ensure that they don’t break anything. If the pull requests do break 
> >> something, it allows the requester to fix the problem with confidence 
> >> without taking others’ time.
> >> 
> >> I think we need to break up testing into pieces and figure out a strategy 
> >> to implement automated tests in a way that they are maintainable.
> >> 
> >> Some points:
> >> 1. I think integration into something like Travis would be very helpful.
> >> 2. I think there’s a Jenkins plugin for building pull requests. Not 
> >> sure how useful it is.[1]
> >> 3. Josh has created a Node.js-compatible test-runner architecture which 
> >> could be useful for unit tests on parts of the framework which don’t 
> >> rely on browser features. (i.e. models and the like) He mentioned the 
> >> possibility of donating it, and I think that would be a very useful 
> >> feature.
> >> 4. For UI and integration tests, there seem to be some pretty cool 
> >> integrations using Selenium.[2][3]
> >> 5. I think the main testing effort needs to be using JS and something like 
> >> Josh’s testing framework for non-UI pieces and some easy-to-use 
> >> Selenium integration for visual pieces and integration tests.
> >> 6. We probably also want some API endpoints we can test off of for 
> >> integration testing.
> >> 
> >> I’m willing to invest time into this.
> >> 
> >> It’s going to be a lot of work building out the tests and I think we 
> >> need a plan for that. My thoughts:
> >> 
> >> 1. Step one is to make it easy to write meaningful automated tests and 
> >> establish a clear pattern.
> >> 2. Step two is to start writing tests starting from the most-used/easiest 
> >> to beak pieces and work out from there.
> >> 3. Once the pattern is established, any new pieces MUST have testing 
> >> coverage.
> >> 4. When fixing bugs, attention should be paid to adding testing for that 
> >> component.
> >> 5. When a pull request comes in on a piece which does not have unit test, 
> >> a test must be written before accepting the pull request. The test does 
> >> not need to be written by the requester. Before examining the request, the 
> >> test should be written to pass for expected behavior and fail for the bug 
> >> that the pull request is attempting to fix (assuming the pull request is 
> >> to fix a bug).
> >> 
> >> Thoughts?
> >> Harbs
> >> 
> >> P.S. I’m thinking of coming to the US in late December/early January. 
> >> I would be interested in getting together for a hacking session with folks 
> >> who are available.
> >> 
> >> [1]
> >>  
> >> <>
> >> [2] 
> >> <>
> >> [3] 
> >> <>

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