The failure is on the compilation of FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.mxml. The rest 
of royale-asjs seems to compile ok. One thing I noticed is that the compiler is 
invoked differently.

<mxmlc fork="true"
            <jvmarg line="${mxmlc.jvm.args}"/>
            <arg value="-debug" />
            <arg value="-compiler.targets=SWF" />
            <arg value="+playerglobal.version=${playerglobal.version}" />
            <arg value="+env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}" />
            <arg value="-swf-library-path+=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks/libs" />
            <arg value="${FLEXUNIT_LIBPATH1}" />
            <arg value="${FLEXUNIT_LIBPATH2}" />


<java jar="${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}/lib/compc.jar" fork="true" >
            <jvmarg value="-Xmx384m" />
            <jvmarg value="" />
            <jvmarg value="-Droyalelib=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks" />
            <arg value="+royalelib=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks" />
            <arg value="+playerglobal.version=${playerglobal.version}" />
            <arg value="+env.AIR_HOME=${env.AIR_HOME}" />
            <arg value="-compiler.strict-xml=true" />
            <arg value="-compiler.targets=SWF,JSRoyale" />
            <arg value="-output=${basedir}/target/${}" />
value="-load-config=${basedir}/src/main/config/compile-swf-config.xml" />
value="-js-load-config=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks/js-config.xml" />

From: Alex Harui<>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem

Even if you did, it is still pretty easy for an environment variable or
Ant property to get you to use a compiler in another folder, so keep an
eye open for that.  The Ant scripts usually report what compiler folder
they are using.


On 11/14/17, 9:32 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:

>I updated compiler and typedefs as well. Will have a look tomorrow.
>From: Alex Harui <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:25:55 PM
>Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>I haven't seen that.  You are working with relatively new test code, IIRC.
> Could be you are using very old compiler?
>On 11/14/17, 3:26 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:
>>    [mxmlc]
>>as(23): col: 5 Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'SWF'
>>    [mxmlc]
>>    [mxmlc]     COMPILE::SWF
>>    [mxmlc]     ^
>>    [mxmlc]
>>Is anyone else getting it?

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