Hi Alex,

>Maybe you can create 
them, and then it would be interesting to see if there are other bugs or 
missing features that we need to deal with to make it work

This sounds like a good idea and I guess it is feasible for me, I'll keep
this in mind.

> A DataGrid, IMO, is not a Table.

I agree, but for simple things, I think a table is good enough.

>If we do our job right, folks won't need to look for snippets at all, or 
>at least, less often. 

Yeah, that would be the best way ;-) 

>In the future, if we add more metadata, we might even be 
>able to tell you if a bead is compatible or not.

This would be a huge help!
BTW: I have no idea how to detect if a bead is compatible or not by
exploring the source code.
How can I detect if a bead is compatible with a component (or vice versa) or
other beads by exploring the source code?

>And if we really had time, we could create a component that 
replicates 90% of Flex APIs

For me, there's no need to revive the Flex API with Royale. 
I'd just like to work easier with Royale ;-)

However, I am not here to say the HTML/Web way is better than Royale.
I just think we should consider any idea to simplify the work the Royale
(from an app developer perspective).

Thanks for all these valuable thoughts!


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