
It would be nice to add CSS optimization/minification to the Royale toolchain. 
A nice tool for that is csso[2] which can be used with a command line 



> On Nov 30, 2017, at 1:15 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
> I just ran some CSS output by Royale through a CSS validator.[1] It turned up 
> some issues, but most were results of my migration from Flex.
> The one exception I found was:
> * {
>         effect-timer-interval: 10;
>     }
> effect-timer-interval is not a valid CSS property. It comes from the defaults 
> css in Basic and it’s used by EffectsTimer which gets the value from the 
> ValuesManager.
> Having an invalid css declaration is not the end of the world, but it would 
> be nice to be able to clean up the CSS to remove CSS not used by the browser.
> I’m trying to brainstorm on ways of accomplishing that goal.
> Maybe we could support prefixing selectors or attributes to mark them as 
> “Royale only” so they would be stripped out of the CSS output? Some other 
> ideas?
> Thoughts?
> Harbs
> [1] 
> <>

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