
I've pushed a new component for the Basic package: TreeGrid. This component is 
a hybrid of Tree and DataGrid. TreeGrid uses a Hierarchical data provider and 
displays a Tree in the first column; the other columns display additional 
fields from the records.

You can use TreeGrid like this:

        <js:ConstantBinding sourceID="applicationModel" 
sourcePropertyName="gridData" destinationPropertyName="dataProvider" />
        <js:TreeGridColumn dataField="title" label="Title" columnWidth="200" />
        <js:TreeGridColumn dataField="status" label="Status" columnWidth="125" 
        <js:TreeGridColumn dataField="hours" label="Hours" columnWidth="125" />

You can look at the TreeExample that comes with Royale for a working example.  
This is a first-pass at TreeGrid. Has its own beads: TreeGridView, 
TreeGridModel, and TreeGridLayout.

Peter Ent
Adobe Systems/Apache Royale Project

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