Following your mail I went over royale-asjs/README again and discovered I 
didn’t have FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER env var set. Now that it’s set the build is 
finally successful.

So my guess is that the problem was that I had PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME set but not 
FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER. If PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is not set it does not try to build 
swf output and the build passes. Is that right?

Thanks for looking into it.

From: Alex Harui<>
Sent: Tuesday, January 9 N, 2018 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: ant all failing (was Compiling Royale Libraries with Flash Builder 

Please try to provide relevant information so we don't have trade more
emails getting it.  The test failure details should be in
compiler\target\junit-results in an xml file that has ASExpressionTests in
the name.

And we don't know what your environment variables are set to.

Also, we don't know if you are starting from a fresh clone or this is a


On 1/8/18, 11:13 PM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:

>Getting this console output.
>>    [mkdir] Created dir:
>>    [mkdir] Created dir:
>>    [junit] Running as.ASExpressionTests
>>    [junit] looking for C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler\
>>    [junit] environment property - FLEX_HOME = C:\dev\flexjs\flex-sdk
>>    [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME = C:\dev\flashplayer
>>    [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_VERSION = 11.1
>>    [junit] environment property - TLF_HOME = null
>>    [junit] environment property - AIR_HOME = C:\dev\flexjsbuilds\nightly
>>    [junit] environment property - FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER = null
>>    [junit] environment property - ASJS_HOME = C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs
>>    [junit] environment property - GOOG_HOME =
>>    [junit] Generating test:
>>    [junit] Compiling test:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] 783 bytes written to
>>8263907973881887007.swf in 1.182 seconds
>>    [junit] After compile:
>>    [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] Generating test:
>>    [junit] Compiling test:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] 767 bytes written to
>>5673153471287683621.swf in 0.578 seconds
>>    [junit] After compile:
>>    [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] Generating test:
>>    [junit] Compiling test:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] 857 bytes written to
>>6206048447772149132.swf in 0.582 seconds
>>    [junit] After compile:
>>    [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
>>    [junit]
>>    [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 3, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time
>>elapsed: 2.922 sec
>>    [junit] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\build.xml:1752: The following error occurred
>>while executing this line:
>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\build.xml:1823: The following error occurred
>>while executing this line:
>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler\build.xml:80: The following error occurred
>>while executing this line:
>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler\compiler\build.xml:711: The following error
>>occurred while executing this line:
>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler\compiler\src\test\build.xml:307: Tests
>>Total time: 8 minutes 20 seconds

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