Hi Justin,

We have it now and are doing the correct thing in a natural way. An Apache 
Member who was on my first PMC has explained the situation well. He calls it 
“cups and saucers” when we discovered a single GPL file had been in a few 
releases we removed it. It is best effort and sometimes things spill.

Shine the light forward.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 16, 2018, at 9:16 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Royale is not going to operate like Flex.  We want to be more responsive
>> to our users.  So instead of conducting detailed searches for IP issues at
>> release time, they should be done at commit time or at other times.
> The issue has been brought up before so is a known issue. (See that 
> discussion thread). Given that discussion I would of assumed that committers 
> wouldn't check in plain text CC-BY-SA licensed content. But I guess people 
> forget about it, I had even forgotten about that thread. If you where 
> watching the commits it would be very easy to miss the file(s) in question as 
> they also incorrectly had an ASF headers on them. But any PMC member or 
> committer could of noticed this, the fact that no one did until now probably 
> indicates how difficult it was to find. Perhaps it would be better to deal 
> with licensing issues when they are raised or soon after - especially when a 
> 3rd party doesn’t respond in a timely way?
> BTW the legal JIRA about CC-SA content is here [1] not sure if you managed to 
> find that when looking at the issue.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-167

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