Great Andrew! :)))

2018-01-24 12:33 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore <>:

> Hi!
> Yes, I feel like a real committer now.
> I am going to migrate some material from the FlexJS documentation to see
> what that experience is like. I am going to draw from "Overview" [1]
> <
> >
> to populate both "High level view" and the third-level "Migrate from Flex"
> under "Create an application".
> I have added a note about the "front matter" to the README file.
> Will take a look at your changes to the ToC structure before adding other
> page entries.
> This is fun!
> [1]
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 3:50 AM, Alex Harui <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Andrew,
> >
> > Looks like your commit privileges are working.
> >
> > I think we need to coordinate so we don't step on each others toes.  I'm
> > thinking I will add a bit to Features and Concepts so it links to its
> > children (AS3, MXML, PAYG, Strand and Beads) so I can make sure the
> > third-level of the TOC works, then move on to Create An Application as
> > that's where I want to spend more time building out some sort of app "in
> > 10 minutes".  Ideas for what to put in that app are welcome from anybody.
> > I don't want it to just be "Hello World".  Maybe hit the network or a
> > file.  Or maybe I'll spend some time on ASDoc instead and come back to
> > this later.
> >
> > Couple of other things:
> > I reviewed your commits.  All .MD files need the "Front Matter".  See one
> > of the .MD files I did and copy and modify the first lines with the
> dashed
> > lines.  See Jekyll doc to understand it better.
> >
> > I just pushed a significant change to the pattern for new TOC entries in
> > docpage.html so please sync up before making more changes to that file.
> >
> > The main Welcome page is currently in, not in Welcome/
> > The TOC does not point to Welcome/index.html.  I'm not sure that's right
> > so we might need to tweak how that works.  A related issue is that I
> think
> > you wanted only the top-level TOC items visible when you first landed at
> > the doc, but that means that clicking on a TOC link doesn't expand to
> show
> > child pages in the TOC, otherwise the Welcome would be expanded and show
> > High Level and Features and push Get Started further down.  If we do have
> > a different /index.html as the landing page and Welcome in the TOC opens
> > Welcome/index.html, then we can have clicking a TOC link show the child
> > pages in the TOC.
> >
> > Another thing on my to-do list is to figure out how to use media query to
> > hide the TOC behind a menu button when the screen isn't wide enough.  Not
> > sure how important that is at this time.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> > -Alex
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Andrew Wetmore

Carlos Rovira

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