I'm not convinced we can know when to generate obj.property vs
obj["property"] unless we do it for all Objects, not just ones that came
from JSON.  Or for all property access.  And that is at least 3 extra
characters per access for anything that isn't JSON.

I would rather we find ways to make use of ValueObjects easier.  IMO, type
information will make development faster by catching errors sooner, and
has the potential to make the runtime performance faster, especially if we
consider other targets besides JS some day.

To me, the problem is roughly the same as XML decoding into ValueObjects.
In XML/SOAP there was a WSDL and some utility converted it to AS
ValueObjects.  Other metadata instructed AMF to construct real classes
instead of plain objects.  I think there are APIs for that in JSON.parse.
I guess I will look into that for the next release.  IMO, if we can't
convince folks to use the type system, we lose a major productivity
advantage of Royale.  There is always going to be more setup work for
Royale. You can't just copy a file and view it in the browser.  You have
to run our compiler first.  We should encourage you to create ValueObjects
at some point.  My tutorial suggests doing it before creating a production

My 2 cents,

On 2/6/18, 12:51 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Quite sure. In my angular app I was using an older version of the closure
>compiler to minify the js files. I was using the default options which
>clearly does not use ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS, so the object literals
>didn’t get renamed.
>I think most modern app frameworks use other tools such as Babel for
>magnification, but I believe that handles object literals correctly too.
>We definitely want to use ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS, but that’s killing
>object literals. I’m proposing a compiler *option* to allow to continue
>using ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS, but prevent renaming on objects which
>should not be renamed.
>> On Feb 6, 2018, at 9:38 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>> Are you sure Angular and React minify your code instead of running it
>> against their minified framework?
>> -Alex
>> On 2/5/18, 11:22 PM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Maybe I'm missing something.  I don't think Royale has any extra
>>>> problems
>>>> with JSON objects than other JS Frameworks have.  If you want to
>>>> you have to use brackets and strings.
>>> It does.
>>> I’ve written angular apps and I’ve never had to worry about using
>>> notation for minifying simple js objects. I’m pretty sure the same is
>>> React, etc.
>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 11:34 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Maybe I'm missing something.  I don't think Royale has any extra
>>>> problems
>>>> with JSON objects than other JS Frameworks have.  If you want to
>>>> you have to use brackets and strings.  If you don't want to minify,
>>>> you don't need to worry about that.  Am I wrong about that?
>>>> JSON has something like a "reviver".  Has anyone played with that to
>>>> if it can be used to convert straight to VO's?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Alex 
>>>> On 2/5/18, 1:08 PM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> An additional point:
>>>>> How do you propose handling json that’s multiple levels deep? Walk
>>>>> json and construct VOs on each level? That seems to me just as bad as
>>>>> the
>>>>> problem. Imagine you just want foo.baz.thingy.uid? You’d need to
>>>>> create a
>>>>> VO of foo, baz and thingy or be forced to use
>>>>> foo[“baz”][“thingy”][“uid”]. Of course the average user is not going
>>>>> remember to do that until their release build doesn’t work…
>>>>> Creating VOs means you can’t simply use JSON.parse(). You’d need your
>>>>> own
>>>>> parser for each type of json you’re consuming. OK. Maybe not full
>>>>> parsing, but the constructors for these VOs will get pretty messy —
>>>>> especially if the structure is a bit fluid.
>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 10:36 PM, Gabe Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> In theory, everything you say is true. It might even be good
>>>>>> I’m telling you that this was a pain point when migrating my app.
>>>>>> Simply declaring types as VOs didn't solve the problem for me. The
>>>>>> I’ve found that’s needed to solve the problem was passing the object
>>>>>> literal into a VO constructor and declaring the variables using
>>>>>> bracketed access. I was likely going about it wrong, but it was
>>>>>> to just go with the bracketed literals.
>>>>>> Again: Suggesting using VOs (if we can figure out easy instructions
>>>>>> do so) is probably a good idea and better recommended practice, but
>>>>>> people live on the edge using other JS frameworks, and I’d rather
>>>>>> make it harder than it needs to be if they do want to use untyped
>>>>>> object
>>>>>> literals.
>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 8:01 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It was great to skip type-checking in Flash at times, but the
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> also strongly typed.  Also, JS was not a practical language for
>>>>>>> Flash.
>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>> is more risky to do skip type-checking in Royale for JS.  These new
>>>>>>> cars
>>>>>>> with lane warnings are a rough analogy.  They only let you be less
>>>>>>> attentive on nice new painted highways.  Flash's runtime wouldn't
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> make type mismatches so it effectively had lane lines.  JS is a
>>>>>>> without lane lines.  A ValueObject keeps your eyes on the road.  An
>>>>>>> ounce
>>>>>>> of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
>>>>>>> IMO, you might be better off writing a bead that you can pass a
>>>>>>> object and it will generate the AS class for you to copy from the
>>>>>>> clipboard and paste into a file.  Then you could guess at the
>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>> wouldn't require compiler changes and would encourage early
>>>>>>> prevention.
>>>>>>> Just an idea,
>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>> On 2/5/18, 9:39 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yeah. That’s what you’ve argued in the past, and in a pure world
>>>>>>>> you’d be
>>>>>>>> right.
>>>>>>>> However, I’d prefer the option to be practical when dealing with
>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> data types. Being forced to fiddle with properly typed objects
>>>>>>>> *always*
>>>>>>>> is too confining IMO. What I personally ended up doing when
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> APIs and the like was the make sure to quote everything in my app
>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>> than declare VOs even though finding all the instances were a
>>>>>>>> I think it’s pretty common for folks to use untyped objects
>>>>>>>> *especially*
>>>>>>>> when dealing with APIs in classic Flex apps. It seem overly
>>>>>>>> draconian
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> make that a requirement for Royale.
>>>>>>>> Part of the attraction of ActionScript has been that it’s
>>>>>>>> *optionally*
>>>>>>>> typed. Minification in JS makes the optional typing pretty weak.
>>>>>>>>> If you don't care about SWF support, you can quickly make
>>>>>>>>> ValueObjects
>>>>>>>>> just for the compiler.
>>>>>>>> Quickly? I’m not sure how.
>>>>>>>> My $0.02.
>>>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 7:28 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> IMO, your proposal sort of defeats the purpose of ActionScript
>>>>>>>>> Royale,
>>>>>>>>> which is to provide a type system at compile time.  Not only
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> want to address your JSON fields, but you should want to have
>>>>>>>>> type-checked, and that you spelled the field name correctly.
>>>>>>>>> Otherwise,
>>>>>>>>> the compiler is going to also allow you to mistype:
>>>>>>>>> var name = myProps["nme"];
>>>>>>>>> And there will be no errors.  And similarly:
>>>>>>>>> var myObj:Object = {
>>>>>>>>> nme: "foo",
>>>>>>>>> age : 30.1415
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> Will be allowed when it probably shouldn't.  And also, you could
>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>> myObj when you intended to use myOtherObj and nobody will know
>>>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> try to debug in JS.
>>>>>>>>> If you don't care about SWF support, you can quickly make
>>>>>>>>> ValueObjects
>>>>>>>>> just for the compiler.  In ASDoc, the ValueObject is never
>>>>>>>>> instantiated.
>>>>>>>>> It is just like a typedef for the compiler.
>>>>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>> On 2/5/18, 8:43 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> JSON Objects are not destroyed.
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah. I know, but untyped js literals are pretty much useless in
>>>>>>>>>> minified
>>>>>>>>>> Royale apps.
>>>>>>>>>>> Propose a way to determine that a data structure
>>>>>>>>>>> is external and what the compiler should generate and implement
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> IMO,
>>>>>>>>>>> the answer is to create ValueObjects.  That is essentially
>>>>>>>>>>> typedefs
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> AFAIK, there is no way to automate typedef generation.
>>>>>>>>>> I already made a suggestion once:
>>>>>>>>>> For untyped Objects, the compiler could convert dot notation to
>>>>>>>>>> bracket
>>>>>>>>>> notation.
>>>>>>>>>> The other half of that would be to convert all object literals
>>>>>>>>>> “quoted” literals automatically.
>>>>>>>>>> So if I have a function:
>>>>>>>>>> function parseMyJson(json:String):Object{
>>>>>>>>>>      return JSON.parse(json);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> var myProps:Object = parseMyJson(json);
>>>>>>>>>> var name:string = myProps.name;
>>>>>>>>>> Would become:
>>>>>>>>>> function parseMyJson(json){
>>>>>>>>>>      return JSON.parse(json);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> var myProps = parseMyJson(json);
>>>>>>>>>> var name = myProps["name"];
>>>>>>>>>> And this:
>>>>>>>>>> var myObj:Object = {
>>>>>>>>>>      name: "foo",
>>>>>>>>>>      age : 30
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> Would become:
>>>>>>>>>> var myObj = {
>>>>>>>>>>      "name": "foo",
>>>>>>>>>>      "age" : 30
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> These two features would have solved almost all minification
>>>>>>>>>> issues
>>>>>>>>>> I’ve
>>>>>>>>>> run into.
>>>>>>>>>> I’d love to work on this myself, but I’m still not up to making
>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>> major
>>>>>>>>>> changes to the compiler… :-(
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 6:13 PM, Alex Harui
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/5/18, 2:01 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I’ll try to work on this. It’s pretty slow loading the debug
>>>>>>>>>>>> build.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I still maintain there should be a compiler setting or
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>>>>> to prevent objects produced from JSON being destroyed on
>>>>>>>>>>>> minification.
>>>>>>>>>>> JSON Objects are not destroyed.  The code referencing their
>>>>>>>>>>> fields
>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>> has those names changed.  Propose a way to determine that a
>>>>>>>>>>> structure
>>>>>>>>>>> is external and what the compiler should generate and implement
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> IMO,
>>>>>>>>>>> the answer is to create ValueObjects.  That is essentially
>>>>>>>>>>> typedefs
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> AFAIK, there is no way to automate typedef generation.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, you can turn off minification for the app as a whole.
>>>>>>>>>>> Other ideas welcome,
>>>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>> This remains a pain point for developing apps and having to
>>>>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>>>>>> VOs
>>>>>>>>>>>> for every API is a drag.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2018, at 10:21 AM, Alex Harui
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/4/18, 1:10 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Typo. I meant js-reease.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, at some later point in time someone should build Value
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objects
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the JSON and get js-release working.  Maybe after this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying to make the ASDoc useful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm going to add Events to the class detail page and anchor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> links
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lists to the details and maybe a simple search-for-class
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think it will be time for a release.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2018, at 8:08 AM, Alex Harui
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Why is bin-release not working?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean SWF support?

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