Hi Olaf,

Great first draft!  It is fine as is, and I really like that it is short.

The only thing I'm tempted to try to add is an earlier introduction to who "we" 
are, that it is the Royale/FlexJS folks asking and not the Flex PMC or some 
other group.

So one idea is to just to start with "Hello from the Royale (FlexJS) team" 
instead of "Hi".
Or enhancing "So, we are really interested..." with "So, we, the Royale 
(FlexJS) team, are really interested..."

My 2 cents,

On 4/28/18, 1:11 PM, "Olaf Krueger" <m...@olafkrueger.net> wrote:

    > IMO, we don’t need a survey, just the right words in the subject and body
    > of emails that will start > > > discussion and elicit responses...
    After thinking about it a bit more I came to the conclusion that there's no
    need to mention Royale as an alternative to Flex in order to start a
    I guess what we all want to know is what all those Flex users and apps are
    doing out there.
    So I've focused on this and wrote a first draft [1], please take a look at
    it and make your comments.
    Feel free to revise it.
    Life after FlashPlayer, are you prepared?
    even if Flex with AIR is still an awesome and outstanding technology, Flex
    in the browser ends with the end of FlashPlayer in 2020.
    To be clear: There will be no way to run your Flex apps in current Browser
    versions around 2020! 
    The Flex mailing lists are followed by a few hundred people and we assume
    that there are still a lot of Flex browser apps out there.
    So, we are really interested in what you are planning to do with your Flex
    apps, e.g.
    - Do you need to stick with the browser at all?
    - Do you plan to migrate your Flex apps to whatever other technology?
    - Did you already migrate your Flex apps to whatever other technology?
    - ...
    If you are reading this post and have a Flex app, please speak up about what
    your plans are.
    On behalf of the Apache Royale (FlexJS) PMC
    Sent from: 

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