
for example latest view state example in js-release is:

index.html - 2kb
.js - 110kb
.css - 16kb

so 128kb -> gzip - 33kb

(and js.map - 293 kb -> this file I assume is not needed right? what's the
purpose? If I remove it the app works the same)

This is using some layouts, Button, TextInput, Card ,view states and beads,
so very good right? ;)

2018-06-05 19:01 GMT+02:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:

> I just compiled HelloWorld.  It is 79K.  That's bigger than it used to
> be.  In looking at the js-debug version, there are some .js files from the
> framework that might be eliminated if we want to take the time.
> It is nice to know that we can create small apps, although I'm wondering
> if it is a fair comparison.  The other frameworks generally have fancier UI
> widgets with more elements in the DOM and more CSS to make it look great.
> Jewel is providing those same fancier UI widgets and it also will come at
> some cost.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 6/5/18, 6:57 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Sure.
>     For kicks, I looked at three other non-trivial apps I have.They all
> have a whole pile of components in use and lots of business logic.
>     Gzipped, they weigh in at: 91KB, 100KB and 117KB respectively.
>     Even the biggest one is still less than some of the frameworks alone.
>     Harbs
>     > On Jun 5, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>     >
>     > But, you version is only with a part of Royale, if you put a button,
> will
>     > grow, if put a TextInput, will grow and so
>     > I think the comparison should be with almost all code involved
> right? I
>     > don't think the rest of frameworks listed there will be showing
> parts, but
>     > the whole library.
>     >
>     > 2018-06-05 13:48 GMT+02:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com <mailto:
> harbs.li...@gmail.com>>:
>     >
>     >> FYI, application size stacks up very nicely when compared to other
>     >> frameworks:
>     >>
>     >> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2FRestuta%2Fcda69e50a853aa64912d&data=
> 02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%
> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=
> INLNGTTuYDwM%2FRtYV8LQ4pY5S4%2FOdmOs6JWzsYxAQZA%3D&reserved=0 <
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2FRestuta%2Fcda69e50a853aa64912d&data=
> 02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%
> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=
> INLNGTTuYDwM%2FRtYV8LQ4pY5S4%2FOdmOs6JWzsYxAQZA%3D&reserved=0> <
>     >> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2FRestuta%2Fcda69e50a853aa64912d&data=
> 02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%
> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=
> INLNGTTuYDwM%2FRtYV8LQ4pY5S4%2FOdmOs6JWzsYxAQZA%3D&reserved=0 <
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2FRestuta%2Fcda69e50a853aa64912d&data=
> 02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%
> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=
> INLNGTTuYDwM%2FRtYV8LQ4pY5S4%2FOdmOs6JWzsYxAQZA%3D&reserved=0>>
>     >>
>     >> 24KB gzipped *with all application logic* is right in there with the
>     >> smallest frameworks *sans the actual application*!
>     >>
>     >>> On Jun 5, 2018, at 2:38 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org
> >
>     >> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>> Congrats Harbs! :)
>     >>>
>     >>> as I just responded to Alex, I hope to give a try to all this soon
> as I
>     >> get
>     >>> finish some work I have in my hands right now. Maybe in one or two
> days
>     >>> from now.
>     >>>
>     >>> Thanks!
>     >>>
>     >>> Carlos
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> 2018-06-04 15:48 GMT+02:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>:
>     >>>
>     >>>> FYI, I just compiled a bare-bones app, and a Basic app with a
> View,
>     >>>> VContainer and Label is 85KB uncompressed. 24KB gzipped. It looks
> like
>     >>>> there’s no extra classes.
>     >>>>
>     >>>> The CSS is 546 bytes and 222 bytes gzipped. There’s no extra css
> either,
>     >>>> although som empty selectors could use some cleanup.
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Harbs
>     >>>>
>     >>>>> On Jun 4, 2018, at 4:27 PM, Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> The only class selectors left in Basic defaults.css is:
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> .Application *, .royale *, . royale *:before, . royale *:after {
>     >>>>>     -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
>     >>>>>     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
>     >>>>>     box-sizing: border-box;
>     >>>>> }
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> I’m not sure how to best get rid of this.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> Thoughts?
>     >>>>> Harbs
>     >>>>
>     >>>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> --
>     >>> Carlos Rovira
>     >>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%
> 7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> cee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=EzFOoWovI%
> 2BOluTHQodvEWUTNfaJgRYEaQJX1BnAkN9k%3D&reserved=0
>     >>
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > Carlos Rovira
>     > https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%
> 7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> cee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=EzFOoWovI%
> 2BOluTHQodvEWUTNfaJgRYEaQJX1BnAkN9k%3D&reserved=0 <https://na01.safelinks.
> protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%
> 2Fcarlosrovira&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%
> 7C684ff80e7444490aac1708d5caec404f%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> cee1%7C0%7C0%7C636638038403206781&sdata=EzFOoWovI%
> 2BOluTHQodvEWUTNfaJgRYEaQJX1BnAkN9k%3D&reserved=0>

Carlos Rovira

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