Hi Alex,

I'm following your suggestion but I find that the version of flex unit that
I get in "in" folder is "apache-flex-flexunit-4.2.0-4.12.0-bin.zip", not

And in flex page the latest is 4.2.0 not 4.3.0 :


 since I don't know too much about flex unit I don't know what's happening
or from where I can find

So I remove the swc file with "-flex" from 4.2.0 version and I get BUILD

How is determined in ANT the download of flex unit? I think this is very
strange since that Harbs and you get a 4.3.0 that I can find in any
repository, but Erik and I get 4.2.0
We should find where is the problem.

Side note: This is one of the reasons we changed many years ago from ANT to
MAVEN, since many times you don't know what's happening under the hood
since there's no real version management built into ANT, and for tiny
things can work, but for projects like this, it can be a nightmare to debug
where's failing. But, being said that, let's try to find where ANT is doing
things different from one computer to another.

Thanks for looking into this


El sáb., 8 sept. 2018 a las 0:22, Alex Harui (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)

> Interesting.  FlexUnit has two similar SWCS:
> flexunit-4.3.0-20140410-as3_4.12.0.swc
> flexunit-4.3.0-20140410-flex_4.12.0.swc
> For some reason your build is picking up the "flex" one, whereas other
> builds are picking up the "as3" one.  The "as3" one is built after the
> "flex" one, so the classes in the "as3" SWC should have a newer timestamp
> and win over the "flex" one.
> One quick workaround is probably to delete the "flex" SWC.
> If you want to investigate further, check the file dates on the SWCs and
> extract the catalog.xml and check the timestamps in that file, especially
> for ExpectAsync.as.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> On 9/7/18, 11:46 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi Alex
>     this is the full output:
>     - first is the ant all
>     - then is the swfdump
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Fewyekwoes40k1ce%2Fswfdump-FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf.txt%3Fdl%3D0&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C0ca33b937c47463292a008d614f22779%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636719427608844672&amp;sdata=uukmz870zj%2BEh0b0EC%2BF6W3HqwvLX%2BlPl%2BW6LuJjXik%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     Hope you find the issue
>     Thanks
>     Carlos
>     El vie., 7 sept. 2018 a las 20:42, Alex Harui
> (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)
>     escribió:
>     > Yes, use swfdump -abc on that file.  But don't send the results in an
>     > email.  Post a link to it.
>     >
>     > Thanks,
>     > -Alex
>     >
>     > On 9/7/18, 11:38 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>     >
>     >     Hi Alex,
>     >
>     >     pointing to flex-sdk repo source folder does not change and Flash
>     > Player
>     >     Debugger continues showing:
>     >
>     >     VerifyError: Error #1014: Class IResponder could not be found.
>     >
>     >
>     >     To do the SWFDump, I understand that I must do it over this file
> right?
>     >
>     >
>     >     [flexunit]
>     >
>     >
> '/Users/carlosrovira/Dev/Royale/Source/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/Basic/src/test/royale/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf'
>     >
>     >     I'll send in another thread since is large
>     >
>     >     El vie., 7 sept. 2018 a las 20:25, Alex Harui
>     > (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)
>     >     escribió:
>     >
>     >     > Hmm.  One difference I noticed was that my FLEX_HOME points to
> the
>     >     > flex-sdk repo instead of a full installed Flex SDK.  You can
> try
>     > changing
>     >     > that to see if that is causing a problem.
>     >     >
>     >     > Otherwise, SWFDump the SWF (with the -abc option) and post the
>     > results.
>     >     >
>     >     > -Alex
>     >     >
>     >     > On 9/7/18, 11:03 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>     > wrote:
>     >     >
>     >     >     Hi,
>     >     >
>     >     >     I'm finding this problem trying to build with ANT. It
> seems it
>     > never
>     >     > was
>     >     >     addressed, but is clear that we have a problem somewhere
> that
>     > make flex
>     >     >     unit test run with not the expected code. I have all
> required
>     >     > environment
>     >     >     vars declared:
>     >     >
>     >     >     JAVA_HOME to 1.8.0_181-b13
>     >     >     ANT_HOME to 1.10.5
>     >     >     PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME to 11.1
>     >     >     FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the latest 30
>     >     >     AIR_HOME to AIR SDK 25
>     >     >     GOOG_HOME to latest GitHub code
>     >     >     ROYALE_COMPILER_REPO to my royale-compiler source repo
> folder
>     >     >     ROYALE_TYPEDEFS_HOME to my royale-typedefs source repo
> folder
>     >     >     FLEX_HOME to Flex SDK 4.16.1
>     >     >
>     >     >     One Thing I found that Yishay said is that I had to
> associate in
>     > the
>     >     > Mac
>     >     >     SWF files to Flash Player Debugger, so that is done too.
>     >     >
>     >     >     I'll try to see how to skip test for now. If someone has
> some
>     > idea to
>     >     >     search for this, I can try what you propose and see if
> this fix
>     > the
>     >     > issue.
>     >     >
>     >     >     Thanks
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >     El mar., 19 dic. 2017 a las 20:05, Alex Harui
>     >     > (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)
>     >     >     escribió:
>     >     >
>     >     >     > OK, try dumping the SWF and see who is referencing
> IResponder.
>     >     >     >
>     >     >     > You can compare to a dump from a SWF on the CI server.
> It
>     > might
>     >     > give us a
>     >     >     > clue as to why you are getting different results.
>     >     >     >
>     >     >     > -Alex
>     >     >     >
>     >     >     > On 12/19/17, 10:54 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <
> e...@ixsoftware.nl>
>     > wrote:
>     >     >     >
>     >     >     > >"apache-flex-flexunit-4.2.0-4.12.0-bin.zip" is
> downloaded and
>     >     > unzipped to
>     >     >     > >the 'royale-asjs/in' directory. I have no other
> FlexUnit on my
>     >     > system.
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >EdB
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Alex Harui
>     >     > <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>     >     >     > >wrote:
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >> Erik,
>     >     >     > >>
>     >     >     > >> What FlexUnit are you running?  My guess is it is
> different
>     > than
>     >     > the one
>     >     >     > >> the rest of are running.
>     >     >     > >>
>     >     >     > >> -Alex
>     >     >     > >>
>     >     >     > >> On 12/19/17, 3:15 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <
> e...@ixsoftware.nl>
>     > wrote:
>     >     >     > >>
>     >     >     > >> >Some more trace:
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >Created dir:
>     >     >     > >> >/Users/erik/Documents/git/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> projects/Basic/src/test/r
>     >     >     > >> >oyale/out
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Validating task attributes ...
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Generating default values ...
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Using the following settings for the
> test run:
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] haltonfailure: [false]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] headless: [false]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] display: [99]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] localTrusted: [true]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] player: [flash]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] port: [1024]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] swf:
>     >     >     > >> >[/Users/erik/Documents/git/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> projects/Basic/src/test/
>     >     >     > >> >royale/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] timeout: [90000ms]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] toDir:
>     >     >     > >> >[/Users/erik/Documents/git/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> projects/Basic/src/test/
>     >     >     > >> >royale/out]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Setting up server process ...
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Starting server ...
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Entry
>     >     >     > >> >[/Users/erik/Documents/git/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> projects/Basic/src/test/
>     >     >     > >> >royale]
>     >     >     > >> >already available in local trust file at
>     >     >     > >> >[/Users/erik/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash
>     >     >     > >> >Player/#Security/FlashPlayerTrust/flexUnit.cfg].
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Executing 'open' with arguments:
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit]
>     >     >     > >> >'/Users/erik/Documents/git/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> projects/Basic/src/test/
>     >     >     > >> >royale/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf'
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] The ' characters around the executable
> and
>     > arguments
>     >     > are
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] not part of the command.
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit]
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Opening server socket on port [1024].
>     >     >     > >> > [flexunit] Waiting for client connection ...
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >HTH,
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >EdB
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 12:14 PM, Erik de Bruin <
>     >     > e...@ixsoftware.nl>
>     >     >     > >> >wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >> I get an error dialog from the swf being tested,
>     > "VerifyError:
>     >     > Error
>     >     >     > >> >> #1014: Class IResponder could not be found.". When
> I
>     > dismiss
>     >     > the
>     >     >     > >>dialog,
>     >     >     > >> >> test test times out and the ant build fails.
>     >     >     > >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >> EdB
>     >     >     > >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >> On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Alex Harui
>     >     >     > >><aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
>     >     >     > >> >> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> What error do you get if you don't apply the
> workaround?
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> -Alex
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> On 12/19/17, 2:02 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <
>     > e...@ixsoftware.nl>
>     >     > wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >Just to keep this fresh:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >This is still an issue, and the workaround below
> is
>     > required
>     >     > for me
>     >     >     > >> >>>to be
>     >     >     > >> >>> >able to run 'ant' on the royale-asjs project...
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >EdB
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 8:01 AM, Erik de Bruin <
>     >     > e...@ixsoftware.nl
>     >     >     > >
>     >     >     > >> >>> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> I did several fresh pulls of the repos
> yesterday
>     > while
>     >     > testing
>     >     >     > >> >>>as2wasm
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>and
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> I can faithfully reproduce the issue(s). I can
> also
>     >     > reliably make
>     >     >     > >> >>>it go
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> away if I do these things:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> - comment out the ant task in the 'CoreTest'
> target
>     > in
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>frameworks/build.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> - remove the 'test' dependency from the 'main'
>     > target in
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> frameworks/projects/Basic/build.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> HTH,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> EdB
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Yishay Weiss
>     >     >     > >> >>><yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Thanks for the pointers Alex. Funnily I
> stopped
>     > getting
>     >     > it after
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>playing
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> around with some scripts, cleaning my changes
> and
>     >     > checking out
>     >     >     > >>from
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>git the
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> unit tests aren’t being run anymore and so
> I’m not
>     >     > getting it.
>     >     >     > >>I’ll
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>come
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> back to it when it starts itching again, but
> for
>     > now I
>     >     > can work.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> ________________________________
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:41:20 PM
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> To: dev@royale.apache.org
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> My working copies are all torn up with the
>     > refactoring
>     >     > and I'd
>     >     >     > >> >>>prefer
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>not
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> to have to stop and build up another working
> copy to
>     >     > debug this,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>assuming
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> I can even reproduce it.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> The factors are:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -The compiler Ant tasks use
>     > find
>     >     > the
>     >     >     > >> >>>jsc.jar
>     >     >     > >> >>> to
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> run
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -Looks like there are bugs in the scripts
> where
>     >     >     > >> >>>ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME
>     >     >     > >> >>> is
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> not set by each script but maybe only the main
>     > script
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -The FlexUnit compile should be using
>     >     >     > >>frameworks/royale-config.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -The royale-config.xml should have:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >  <define><name>COMPILE::SWF</name><value>AUTO</value></
>     >     >     > >> define>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     >
> >><define><name>COMPILE::JS</name><value>AUTO</value></define>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -Recent (0.8.0 and later) compilers should
> convert
>     > AUTO
>     >     > to a
>     >     >     > >>valid
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>value
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> for the compile.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> HTH,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -Alex
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> On 11/15/17, 7:48 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <
>     > e...@ixsoftware.nl
>     >     > >
>     >     >     > >>wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >I see the same issue! I am trying to write a
> quick
>     >     > tutorial for
>     >     >     > >> >>>the
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>new
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >wasm code, but I still can't successfully
> run "ant
>     >     > super-clean
>     >     >     > >> >>>all"
>     >     >     > >> >>> on
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >royale-asjs... Please help?
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >compile:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >     [echo] Compiling
> FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >     [echo] ROYALE_HOME:
>     >     > /Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >     [echo] ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME:
>     >     >     > >> >>>/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -asjs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >     [echo] FLEXUNIT_HOME:
>     > /Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> -asjs/in/flexunit
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >     [echo] playerglobal.version: 11.1
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] -debug
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] -compiler.targets=SWF
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.1
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     > >>>>+env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=/Users/erik/Documents/Royale/Play
>     >     >     > >> >>> erGlobal/player
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >-swf-library-path+=/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/fram
>     >     >     > >> >>> eworks/libs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >-swf-library-path+=/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/in/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> flexunit/flexuni
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >t
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] -define=CONFIG::dummy,false
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] +royalelib=/Users/erik/Desktop
>     >     >     > >> >>> /tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >-output=/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/proj
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> ects/Core/src/t
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >est/royale/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] --
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >le/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.mxml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] Loading configuration:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     >
>     > >>>/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/royale-config.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFlexInfo
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    ....
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides:
> StringTrimmer
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc] 2.498695566 seconds
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
> >le/flexUnitTests/KeyboardEventConverterTest.as(23):
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >col: 5 Error: Can not resolve config
> constant:
>     > 'SWF'
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]     COMPILE::SWF
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]     ^
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
> >le/flexUnitTests/KeyboardEventConverterTest.as(56):
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >col: 13 Error: Can not resolve config
> constant:
>     > 'SWF'
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]             COMPILE::SWF{
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]             ^
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
> >le/flexUnitTests/KeyboardEventConverterTest.as(68):
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >col: 13 Error: Can not resolve config
> constant:
>     > 'JS'
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]             COMPILE::JS{
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]             ^
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/in/flexunit/flexunit/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> flexunit-4.2.0-20
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >140410 <14%200410>-flex_4.12.0.swc
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >Warning: The definition mx.rpc.IResponder
> depended
>     > on by
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >org.flexunit.async.IAsyncTestResponder in
> the SWC
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/in/flexunit/flexunit/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> flexunit-4.2.0-20
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >140410 <14%200410>-flex_4.12.0.swc
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >could not be found
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    ...
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >test:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >    [mkdir] Created dir:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >le/out
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> > [flexunit] Validating task attributes ...
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >BUILD FAILED
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
> >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/build.xml:569:
>     > The
>     >     >     > >>following
>     >     >     > >> >>> error
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >occurred while executing this line:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/build.xml:118:
>     >     >     > >>The
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >following
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >error occurred while executing this line:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/build.xml:233:
>     >     >     > >>The
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >following
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >error occurred while executing this line:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/build.xml:61:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >The following error occurred while executing
> this
>     > line:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >/Users/erik/Desktop/tmp/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> Core/src/test/roya
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >le/build.xml:141:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >The provided 'swf' property value [] could
> not be
>     > found
>     >     > or is
>     >     >     > >>not
>     >     >     > >> >>>a
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>valid
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >remote URL.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Yishay
> Weiss <
>     >     >     > >> >>> yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> I changed ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME and
>     >     > to match
>     >     >     > >> >>>yours
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>but
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> the result is the same.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> FWIW this is ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME which
> appears
>     > to not
>     >     >     > >>resolve
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>correctly:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     > C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\test\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> royale>echo
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> %ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME%
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs/js
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> From: Harbs<mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:01 PM
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:
>     > dev@royale.apache.org
>     >     > >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> It works for me. It looks like your
>     >     >     > >>is
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> pointing
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> to a different location than mine.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> Here’s the output I get:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> CoreTest:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> check-for-tests:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> check-compiler-home:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> check-transpiler-home:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> check-compiler:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> test:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> [available] DEPRECATED - <available> used
> to
>     > override
>     >     > an
>     >     >     > >> >>>existing
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>property.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> [available]   Build file should not reuse
> the
>     > same
>     >     > property
>     >     >     > >>name
>     >     >     > >> >>> for
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> different values.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> clean:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> compile:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>      [echo] Compiling
>     > FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>      [echo] ROYALE_HOME:
>     > /Users/harbs/Documents/ApacheR
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> oyale/royale-asjs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>      [echo] ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME:
>     >     > /Users/harbs/Documents/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> ApacheRoyale/royale-asjs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>      [echo] FLEXUNIT_HOME:
>     > /Users/harbs/Documents/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> ApacheRoyale/flex-flexunit
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>      [echo] playerglobal.version: 11.1
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] -debug
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] -compiler.targets=SWF
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.1
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=/Users/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> harbs/Documents/ApacheRoyale/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> frameworks/libs/player
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] -swf-library-path+=/Users/harb
>     >     >     > >> >>> s/Documents/ApacheRoyale/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> royale-asjs/frameworks/libs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] -swf-library-path+=/Users/harb
>     >     >     > >> >>> s/Documents/ApacheRoyale/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>>>>>flex-flexunit/FlexUnit4/target/flexunit-4.3.0-
>     >     >     > >> 20140410-as3_4.12.0.swc
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] -swf-library-path+=/Users/harb
>     >     >     > >> >>> s/Documents/ApacheRoyale/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> flex-flexunit/FlexUnit4CIListener/target
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >>
> >>>+royalelib=/Users/harbs/Documents/ApacheRoyale/royale-
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> asjs/frameworks/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >>-output=/Users/harbs/Documents/ApacheRoyale/royale-
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
> asjs/frameworks/projects/Core/src/test/royale/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] --
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc]
>     >     > /Users/harbs/Documents/ApacheRoyale/royale-asjs/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     > frameworks/projects/Core/src/test/royale/FlexUnitRoyaleAppli
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> cation.mxml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>     [mxmlc] Loading configuration:
>     >     > /Users/harbs/Documents/
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     > ApacheRoyale/royale-asjs/frameworks/royale-config.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > On Nov 15, 2017, at 11:44 AM, Yishay
> Weiss
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>><yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > I’m not sure which -config.xml is being
> used
>     > but the
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME is pointing to
>     >     >     > >> >>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs/js
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > The tests are run as part of
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs> ant clean all
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > When I try to run the test separately I
> get
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     >
> >>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\test\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> royale>ant
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > Buildfile: C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\fram
>     >     >     > >> >>> eworks\projects\Core\src\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> test\royale\build.xml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > clean:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > compile:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >     [echo] Compiling
>     > FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >     [echo] ROYALE_HOME:
>     > C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >     [echo] ROYALE_SWF_COMPILER_HOME:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> compiler
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >     [echo] FLEXUNIT_HOME:
>     >     >     > >> >>>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs/in/flexunit
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >     [echo] playerglobal.version: 11.1
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > BUILD FAILED
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     > >>C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\tes
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> t\royale\build.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>xml:98:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>
>     > C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> test\royale\${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}\lib
> does not
>     > exist.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > ________________________________
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > From: Alex Harui
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:22:01
> PM
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > To: dev@royale.apache.org
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > The FlexUnit compile is trying to use
> the Ant
>     > tasks
>     >     >     > >>instead of
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>directly
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > calling the compiler, which is probably
> worth
>     >     > testing.  You
>     >     >     > >> >>>can
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>see
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>that
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > it picks up the Ant tasks from
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >    <path id="lib.path">
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >      <fileset
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > includes="compiler-royaleTasks.jar"/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >    </path>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > If ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME is pointing
> somewhere
>     >     > unexpected,
>     >     >     > >>then
>     >     >     > >> >>> you
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>might
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > be loading a really old compiler that is
>     > picking up a
>     >     >     > >>really
>     >     >     > >> >>>old
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > -config.xml that doesn't have
>     > it.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > HTH,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > -Alex
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> > On 11/14/17, 10:01 AM, "Yishay Weiss"
>     >     >     > >><yishayj...@hotmail.com
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> The failure is on the compilation of
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.mxml
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> .
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> The
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> rest of royale-asjs seems to compile
> ok. One
>     > thing I
>     >     >     > >>noticed
>     >     >     > >> >>>is
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>that
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>the
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> compiler is invoked differently.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> <mxmlc fork="true"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >  file="${basedir}/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.mxml"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >>output="${basedir}/FlexUnitRoyaleApplication.swf">
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <jvmarg
> line="${mxmlc.jvm.args}"/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg value="-debug" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
> value="-compiler.targets=SWF"
>     > />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
> value="+playerglobal.version=$
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> {playerglobal.version}"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     > >>value="+env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     > value="-swf-library-path+=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks/libs"
>     >     >     > >>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
> value="${FLEXUNIT_LIBPATH1}" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
> value="${FLEXUNIT_LIBPATH2}" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>       </mxmlc>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> Versus
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> <java
>     > jar="${ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME}/lib/compc.jar"
>     >     >     > >> >>>fork="true" >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <jvmarg value="-Xmx384m" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <jvmarg
>     >     > value="-Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <jvmarg
>     >     >     > >> >>>value="-Droyalelib=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >>value="+royalelib=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks"
>     >     >     > >> >>>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
> value="+playerglobal.version=$
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> {playerglobal.version}"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     > value="+env.AIR_HOME=${env.AIR_HOME}" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     > value="-compiler.strict-xml=true" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     > value="-compiler.targets=SWF,JSRoyale" />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>>value="-output=${basedir}/target/${target.name}"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     > >>>>>value="-load-config=${basedir}/src/main/config/compile-
>     >     >     > >> >>> swf-config.xml"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >>
>     > >>>value="-js-load-config=${ROYALE_HOME}/frameworks/js-config.xml"
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>/>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>           <arg
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>>
>     > >>>>>value="-js-load-config+=${basedir}/../../js/projects/${
>     >     >     > >> >>> ant.project.nam
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>>>e
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> }JS
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> /src/main/config/compile-js-config.xml"
> />
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>       </java>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> From: Alex Harui<mailto:
>     > aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7:35 PM
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:
>     >     > dev@royale.apache.org>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> Even if you did, it is still pretty
> easy for
>     > an
>     >     >     > >>environment
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>variable
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>or
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> Ant property to get you to use a
> compiler in
>     > another
>     >     >     > >>folder,
>     >     >     > >> >>>so
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>keep
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>an
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> eye open for that.  The Ant scripts
> usually
>     > report
>     >     > what
>     >     >     > >> >>>compiler
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >>folder
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> they are using.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> -Alex
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >> On 11/14/17, 9:32 AM, "Yishay Weiss"
>     >     >     > >><yishayj...@hotmail.com
>     >     >     > >> >
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> I updated compiler and typedefs as
> well.
>     > Will have
>     >     > a look
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>>tomorrow.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> ________________________________
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> From: Alex Harui
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017
> 6:25:55 PM
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> To: dev@royale.apache.org
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> Subject: Re: Ant Build Problem
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> I haven't seen that.  You are working
> with
>     >     > relatively new
>     >     >     > >> >>>test
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> code,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> IIRC.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> Could be you are using very old
> compiler?
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> HTH,
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> -Alex
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>> On 11/14/17, 3:26 AM, "Yishay Weiss"
>     >     >     > >> >>><yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> wrote:
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>   [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>
>     >     > C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> test\royale\flexU
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>> n
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>> i
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>> tTests\KeyboardEventConverterTest.
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>> as(23): col: 5 Error: Can not resolve
> config
>     >     > constant:
>     >     >     > >> >>>'SWF'
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>   [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>   [mxmlc]     COMPILE::SWF
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>   [mxmlc]     ^
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>   [mxmlc]
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>> Is anyone else getting it?
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>>
>     >     >     > >> >>> >>> >> >>

Carlos Rovira

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