Hi Nicolas,

There’s an example [1] that seems to at least partially answer your question.



From: Idylog - Nicolas Granon <ngra...@idylog.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 1:27:28 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: Dynamic component instantiation and bindings

Hi all,

We make heavy use of BindingUtils bindProperty (mostly) and bindSetter 
(sometimes) methods.
We are a bit confused : is it still possible with Royale to bind 
explicitly/dynamically (through code) like we did in Flex (as opposed to static 
binding with curly braces syntax) ?

Our use-case is the following :
We dynamically generate "forms" (roughly speaking) by instantiating and adding 
components (container components, interactive components) at runtime.
As we instantiate components, we also bind them to the model with bindSetter 
and/or bindProperty.
(in the end, of course, the outer - dynamically generated - container is added 
to some generic "frame" container).

Are there any structural restrictions in Royale about that kind of logic ?

Many thanks in advance

Nicolas Granon

Ingénierie Informatique
13 Bd Princesse Charlotte
98000 MONACO

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