Hi, all:

I am working on the user doc page for strands and beads [1]. This is
intended for application developers using Royale; there is unfinished
material available for developers working on Royale itself in the wiki [2],

>From the app developer point of view, I want to answer these questions:

1. There are three ways of adding beads to a component: baked in using
<js:beads>, through CSS, and dynamically using addBead(). Which method is
best to use for what purposes?

1a. I can see from the wiki clear examples for two methods of adding beads.
Can someone point to an example using CSS to add a bead to a component?

2. Is the order of beads on a strand significant?

3. How much should I worry about bead cleanup when a bead is no longer
actively used? I presume this would relate to dynamically-added beads, not
the <js:beads> or CSS ones.

4. Where do I find the existing beads? Is there a curated list for each
release of Royale? How do I know which ones would be useful for a text
entry field, a list, a button?



[3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLEX/Creating+Components

Andrew Wetmore


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