I found that hard to read, but I think I see on line 657 that js-output is set 
to "." and that makes me wonder if the compiler will then choose whatever the 
working directory is at the time it is launched.  If that working directory is 
changed by VSCode to be the last output directory (maybe to launch the results 
in a browser), that might cause the compiler to nest the next output in that 
output directory and cause the observed results.


On 2/27/19, 12:04 AM, "Olaf Krueger" <m...@olafkrueger.net> wrote:

    Hi Alex,
    >Right. The goal was to see what output options were actually being received
    by the compiler in order to understand how those options could be causing
    the compiler to generate nested output folders.  I'm curious to know if the
    js options are in the dump file.  Can't tell since you cut them out. 
    Sorry, I misunderstood this.
    But I am still not sure what do you mean with "js options".
    I've created a gist which contains the entire dump [1].
    Maybe you can find some time to look at it?
    Sent from: 

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