The way I proceed with our Flex App migration to Royale was:

1.- replicate the same project libraries layout, so if with have a
"flexlib1" we have as well "royalelib1".
2.- Copy the AS3 code from Flex to Royale
3.- Check for flash API code (in our case we didn't have mostly no flash
apis in that part)
4.- for MXML files copy, and since we use Jewel, transform that MXML from
MX/SPARK to Jewel. This is easy for some components (s:Button to
j:Button... or s:CheckBox to j:CheckBox), but less direct for other ones.
5.- The main App and navigation was changed from an old desktop one to
something more modern. This is basically copying the structure of Tour De
Jewel that is responsive and shows a Drawer in the left side.

El sáb., 20 jul. 2019 a las 2:24, gkk gb (<>) escribió:

> Thanks for that. Yes, all data crunching is in AS3 and minimal Flash API
> code. I'm mainly worried about MXML and how it connects to the rest of the
> app. What do you recommend for modifying the code base...
Carlos Rovira

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