
[...truncated 897.25 KB...]
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: 
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: 
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFlexInfo
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IParent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStrand
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Application
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BasicTestsApp
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DontSendScriptComplete
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ExitWhenDone
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SendFormattedResultsToLog
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: RoyaleContext
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UnitTester
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ButtonTestScript
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxTestScript
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IId
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IChild
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UIBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IContainer
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: View
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BasicTests
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: GroupView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IGraphicsDrawing
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBorderBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBackgroundBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SolidBackgroundBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IMeasurementBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextButtonMeasurementBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextFieldLabelMeasurementBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ITextFieldView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextFieldViewBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextFieldView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ContainerContentArea
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IViewport
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Viewport
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSFontFaceBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IValuesImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBorderPaddingMarginValuesImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ICSSImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SimpleCSSValuesImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSClass
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSFactory
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSDataType
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStatesImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SimpleStatesImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ValuesManager
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MouseEventConverter
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Event
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MXMLDataInterpreter
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MixinManager
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TestStep
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Assert
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: AssertPropertyValue
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ConditionalValue
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DeviceNames
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DispatchMouseClickEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DispatchMouseEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MustellaLogEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MustellaSandboxEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ScriptRunner
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SetProperty
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TestCase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TestOutput
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TestResult
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TypeInfo
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IContainerBaseStrandChildrenHost
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ContainerBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Container
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: VBox
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ButtonTests
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxTests
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextButtonView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: EdgeData
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LayoutData
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MarginData
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BorderStyles
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSTextField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ElementWrapper
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IDocument
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IState
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStyleObject
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StageProxy
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IHandlesOriginalEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MouseEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ValueChangeEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ValueEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Size
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: AddItems
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SetEventHandler
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SetProperty
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: State
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSBorderUtils
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CSSUtils
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ObjectUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SolidBorderUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringTrimmer
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ErrorArray
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: RunCodeEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ISelectable
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UIButtonBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CheckBox
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Label
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ButtonBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Button
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextButton
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ContainerBaseStrandChildren
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ElementEvents
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Point
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ItemAndDescriptor
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: PointUtils
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringPadder
    [mxmlc] 92579 bytes written to 
 in 2.934 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'BasicTestsApp' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 7.8615569 seconds
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.bind depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx1g 
     [echo] launching player and swf 

     [java] results: PASSED



     [java] org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to 
connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at marmotinni.MarmotinniRunner.main(Unknown Source)
     [java] Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: 
Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(C:\Program Files\Mozilla 
Firefox\firefox.exe) on port 7055; process output follows: 
     [java] Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: 
'2016-06-30 17:32:46'
     [java] System info: host: 'ApacheRoyaleCI', ip: '', 
'Windows Server 2016', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: 
     [java] Driver info: driver.version: FirefoxDriver
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at 
     [java]     at marmotinni.MarmotinniRunner.main(Unknown Source)
     [java] Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: 
Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox 
console output:
     [java]     at 
     [java]     ... 7 more
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx1g 

 Java returned: 1

Total time: 12 minutes 16 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx1g 
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure

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