

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch release/0.9.6

[piotrzarzycki21] update royale.compiler.version and royale.typedefs.version in 

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[aharui] update flash url in npm

[piotrzarzycki21] Fixing clean up RoyaleUnitJS bin folder in ant build

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare branch release/0.9.6

[piotrzarzycki21] update royale.compiler.version and royale.typedefs.version in 

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[aharui] update playerglobal URLs

[aharui] update copyright year

[aharui] another copyright year

[aharui] also exclude this from rat

[aharui] jsonly needs to strip swcs from royale-config.xml

[aharui] changes to get build to succeed in js-only release package

[aharui] try not packaging target folders

[aharui] push andrew's suggested changes to release_notes

[piotrzarzycki21] some refactoring and exposing more protected members to allow 

[piotrzarzycki21] virtual layout in ADG. Should fix #468

[piotrzarzycki21] Fixes #445

[piotrzarzycki21] Make operator precedence explicit

[piotrzarzycki21] Revert "update royale.compiler.version and 
royale.typedefs.version in

[piotrzarzycki21] Revert commit: 6b11fcfa2951848a8a272f6832729cb789ac8c05

[aharui] update script for latest npm versions (npm.registry was removed from 

[aharui] works better on Mac

[aharui] use correct folder

[aharui] remove beta from version

[aharui] flexjs -> royale

[aharui] have to update target-player in config.xml files to match playerglobal

[joshtynjala] merge in RoyaleUnit release notes

[noreply] Update

[noreply] Update

[noreply] Update

[noreply] Update RELEASE_NOTES

[piotrzarzycki21] Cleanup

[piotrzarzycki21] jewel-slider: Make sliderTrackContainer protected to allow 

[piotrzarzycki21] jewel-slider: Missing COMPILE::JS for sliderTrackContainer 

[piotrzarzycki21] update royale.compiler.version and royale.typedefs.version in 

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[noreply] Update

[aharui] fix rat exclusion

[joshtynjala] CreditCardValidatorExample: fixed build script

[piotrzarzycki21] Fix releasessteps script

[piotrzarzycki21] Revert "update royale.compiler.version and 
royale.typedefs.version in

[piotrzarzycki21] Revert commit: 1ffc47a53cd6ae19c0f79715cbced751e7c3606a

[piotrzarzycki21] update royale.compiler.version and royale.typedefs.version in 

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[piotrzarzycki21] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[aharui] fix ASDoc js-only

[aharui] need to copy-externs before creating config for js-only because it 

[aharui] use correct maven profiles for swf and js-only

[aharui] try to auto-detect which dependencies to use

[aharui] add profiles to separate swf dependencies

[aharui] Revert "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration"

[aharui] Revert "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[aharui] fixes for js-only maven builds

[aharui] got SWFs to build in profiles

[piotrzarzycki21] update royale.compiler.version and royale.typedefs.version in 

[aharui] try to fix maven build by disabling the template plugins

[piotrz] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[piotrz] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[aharui] another attempt to get maven to build from a clean machine

[aharui] bad merge last time

[aharui] some fixes and feedback to update.version

[greg.dove] Porting latest TDD tests across to RoyaleUnit.

[piotrzarzycki21] update version to 0.9.7

[piotrzarzycki21] releasecandidate script: Fix type in path to

[greg.dove] Few extra changes to 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT, plus fixes to latest RoyaleUnit

[greg.dove] Re-enabling this for now... will aim to resolve that before next 

[aharui] typedefs also has a now

[aharui] need to update this in pom

[aharui] fix a few version numbers that don't get updated because commented out

[aharui] allow source-release to work without copying binaries from typedefs

[noreply] Update GIT-TEST.txt

[carlosrovira] Changes in main menu links for ASDocs

[aharui] ant validation on windows

[aharui] add more debugging output

[greg.dove] Temporary fix until I can resolve the unit testing issue (it is

[...truncated 1.00 MB...]
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ObjectUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SolidBorderUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringTrimmer
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Timer
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UIUtils
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Effect
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Transition
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFill
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SolidColor
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IExternalizable
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Proxy
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CursorBookmark
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ICollectionView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IList
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IViewCursor
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ListCollectionView
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ListCollectionViewCursor
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ListCollectionViewBookmark
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ArrayCollection
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ArrayList
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: XMLListCollection
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CanvasLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Flex
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BoxDirection
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: HBox
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: PanelTitleBar
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DataGridColumn
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Button
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ISelectable
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CheckBox
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFocusManagerComponent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ComboBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ComboBox
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ScrollControlBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ListBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DataGrid
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DateField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Label
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: List
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MenuBar
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: NumericStepper
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: RadioButton
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: RadioButtonGroup
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextArea
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ITextInput
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TextInput
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ITextFieldFactory
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Singleton
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ItemClickEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ListEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MenuEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: MouseEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: PropertyChangeEventKind
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Matrix
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Matrix
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFocusManagerComplexComponent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFocusManagerGroup
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IResourceBundle
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ResourceManagerImpl
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ResourceModuleInfo
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ResourceEventDispatcher
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ResourceBundleProxy
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SkinnableComponent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ButtonBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Button
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ErrorArray
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: RunCodeEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: PasswordInputBead
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ITileLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: TileLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LocaleUtils
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringPadder
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UIDUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IStroke
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CursorError
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SortError
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ISort
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Sort
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IXMLNotifiable
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: XMLListAdapter
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: FlexChildInfo
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BaseListData
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IFactory
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IUITextField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UITextField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CollectionEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: CollectionEventKind
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LocaleSorter
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LocaleID
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LocaleRegistry
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ResourceBundle
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ArrayUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: StringUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: UIDUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DataGroup
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBinaryDataInput
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBinaryDataOutput
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: BinaryData
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ISortField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SortField
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IUID
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IPropertyChangeNotifier
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: ObjectUtil
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: XMLNotifier
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: XMLNotifierSingleton
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: NavigationUnit
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: DropLocation
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: LayoutElementHelper
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: IBrowserEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: KeyboardEvent
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: Endian
    [mxmlc] scanning for overrides: SortFieldCompareTypes
    [mxmlc] 344545 bytes written to 
 in 5.292 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'BasicTests' has been successfully compiled.
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.beads.controllers.ItemRendererMouseController in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.beads.controllers.ItemRendererMouseController in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.beads.controllers.ItemRendererMouseController in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.beads.controllers.SpinnerMouseController in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.beads.controllers.SpinnerMouseController in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.html.TextInput in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.debugging.assertType in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.debugging.assert in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.debugging.throwError in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.BinaryData in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.bind depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.bind depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.Language in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.Language in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.utils.Language in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by mx.controls.TextArea in the 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by mx.controls.TextInput in 
the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition depended on by in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.reflection.VariableDefinition in the SWC 
 could not be found
    [mxmlc] 18.6000242 seconds
 Warning: The definition depended on by 
org.apache.royale.reflection.getDefinitionByName in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
org.apache.royale.reflection.AccessorDefinition in the SWC 
 could not be found
 Warning: The definition goog.DEBUG depended on by 
spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent in the SWC 
 could not be found
 col: 5 Warning: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use 
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc]     public var listDP:Array = [
    [mxmlc]     ^
 col: 5 Warning: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use 
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc]     public var dataGridDP:Array =
    [mxmlc]     ^
 col: 2 Warning: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use 
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc]     public var comboDP:Array = ["Apples", "Beer", "Soda", "Pears", 
"Peaches", "Bagels"];
    [mxmlc]     ^
 col: 5 Warning: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use 
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc]     public var menuBarDP:Object = {label: "top", children: [
    [mxmlc]     ^
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g 
     [echo] launching player and swf 

     [java] test case 
     [java] results: FAILED

 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 Java returned: 1

Total time: 13 minutes 20 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g 
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure

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