Let's say that I have a <j:Form> like this:

     <j:FormItem label="Stack Trace">
        <html:Pre text="{myStackTrace}"/>

The variable myStackTrace is a string that contains the stack trace from an
error, and I would like it to scroll horizontally if any of the lines are
too long to appear on screen.

Example stack trace with long lines:

expected: <2> to be equal to <1> Error
    at new org.apache.royale.test.AssertionError
    at Function.org.apache.royale.test.Assert.failWithUserMessage
    at Function.org.apache.royale.test.Assert.failNotEquals
    at Function.org.apache.royale.test.Assert.assertEquals
    at tests.SuiteTestsA.myTestB
    at org.apache.royale.test.runners.MetadataRunner.runTestMethods
    at org.apache.royale.test.runners.MetadataRunner.run

As best I can tell, I need to use a <j:Container> with
<j:ScrollingViewport> to create a scrollable region. If I set the width of
the <j:Container> to a pixel value, it will scroll horizontally:

<j:Container width="200">
    <html:Pre text="{myStackTrace}"/>

However, I would like it to have a fluid layout that takes up as much
horizontal space as possible. percentWidth="100" doesn't seem to work. I
suspect that there are some specific flexbox styles that are necessary, but
I can't seem to figure out which ones.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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