We've been using it as a grid replacement. We'll probably switch to grid now 
that you've got that working.
From: Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2020 5:50:24 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
Subject: About Jewel Table component


one of the things for 1.0 was ensuring APIs are ok.
When I created Jewel Table I left with API methods I was not happy
"selectedItem"/"selectedItemProperty"or comment
I found now the time to revisit the component and right now I don't see the
reason I didn't like it at that time.

Maybe people will end using new Jewel DataGrid, although seems Table can
have as well some interesting uses.
Don't know, I really didn't need to use it in a real app for now.

Can others share his experience?
Should we left the component as is?
Some issues with that component or comments about it?

I just updated the TDJ example to remove the "Work In Progress" warning.
My intention is left the component in its current way, but depend of others
comment to finish my decision

Thanks! :)

Carlos Rovira

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