

[joshtynjala] MXMLPropertySpecifierNode: Fixed issue where a property could be 

[...truncated 159.10 KB...]
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IParent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStrand
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Application
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again_Flash
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IDocument
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MyController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IId
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IChild
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
    [junit] scanning for overrides: UIBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IContainer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
    [junit] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
    [junit] scanning for overrides: View
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MyInitialView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IItemConverter
    [junit] scanning for overrides: JSONItemConverter
    [junit] scanning for overrides: StockDataJSONItemConverter
    [junit] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MyModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: EditableTextKeyboardController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarMouseControllerBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarMouseController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererMouseController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ListSingleSelectionMouseController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarMouseController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
    [junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarLayout
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarLayout
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IRollOverModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectionModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ArraySelectionModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataProviderModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IRangeModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RangeModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IValueToggleButtonModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ValueToggleButtonModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IViewWithPopUp
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
    [junit] scanning for overrides: GroupView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererParent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IListView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderItemRendererMapper
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IDropDownListView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Strand
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ListView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RadioButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IGraphicsDrawing
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBackgroundBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SolidBackgroundBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ITextFieldView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextFieldViewBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextAreaView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IMeasurementBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextButtonMeasurementBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextFieldLabelMeasurementBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextFieldView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextInputView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextInputWithBorderView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextItemRendererFactoryForArrayData
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IContainerBaseStrandChildrenHost
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererProvider
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithPresentationModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IList
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IListWithPresentationModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: List
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUp
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxList
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerContentArea
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataGroup
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SimpleList
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListList
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IViewport
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Viewport
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollingViewport
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollingViewport
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRenderer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectableItemRenderer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ITextItemRenderer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: UIItemRendererBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataItemRenderer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: StringItemRenderer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IInputParser
    [junit] scanning for overrides: JSONInputParser
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ICollection
    [junit] scanning for overrides: LazyCollection
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IValuesImpl
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererClassFactory
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererClassFactory
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderPaddingMarginValuesImpl
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ICSSImpl
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SimpleCSSValuesImpl
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSClass
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSFactory
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSDataType
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ValuesManager
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MouseEventConverter
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Event
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MXMLDataInterpreter
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HTTPServiceBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HTTPService
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ButtonAutoRepeatController
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IListPresentationModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ListPresentationModel
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DataFieldProviderBead
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DownArrowButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarThumbView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarTrackView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: LeftArrowButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RightArrowButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: UpArrowButtonView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarThumbView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarTrackView
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Border
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IChrome
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportScroller
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBar
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBar
    [junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBar
    [junit] scanning for overrides: UIButtonBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ButtonBase
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Button
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectable
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBox
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBox
    [junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownList
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Label
    [junit] scanning for overrides: RadioButton
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextArea
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextButton
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ITextInput
    [junit] scanning for overrides: TextInput
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IBinding
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ConstantBinding
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SimpleBinding
    [junit] scanning for overrides: EdgeData
    [junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutData
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MarginData
    [junit] scanning for overrides: BorderStyles
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextField
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IFactory
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ClassFactory
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerBaseStrandChildren
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IState
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesImpl
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleObject
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SimpleCSSStyles
    [junit] scanning for overrides: StageProxy
    [junit] scanning for overrides: IHandlesOriginalEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CustomEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemAddedEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemClickedEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRemovedEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: MouseEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ValueChangeEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: ValueEvent
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Point
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Size
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSBorderUtils
    [junit] scanning for overrides: CSSUtils
    [junit] scanning for overrides: PointUtils
    [junit] scanning for overrides: SolidBorderUtil
    [junit] scanning for overrides: StringTrimmer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: Timer
    [junit] scanning for overrides: UIUtils
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HTTPConstants
    [junit] scanning for overrides: HTTPHeader
    [junit] scanning for overrides: StringPadder
    [junit] 51913 bytes written to 
 in 4.288 seconds
 col: 59 Error: Access of possibly undefined property scrollRect.
initialize="MyModel(model).labelText='Hello World'; scrollRect = null"
    [junit] Tests run: 19, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
85.501 sec
    [junit] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g

 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 Tests failed

Total time: 1 minute 39 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Recording test results

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