
In my case, I added width and height in <s:Application tag.

2020年3月18日(水) 16:23 Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>:

> Panel looks fixed, thanks. My ADG is suddenly not showing any data though.
> I’ll need to investigate that later…
> From: Alex Harui<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:32 AM
> To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Layouts: Changing widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged
> event rules
> Try with my latest commit.
> On 3/16/20, 11:21 PM, "Yishay Weiss" <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>     Mxml looks like this [1]. SuperPanel extends Panel. I’m not sure I’m
> at liberty to post SuperPanel’s source, but if you can’t reproduce the
> problem with the non-custom controls then I could work on it maybe next
> week.
>     [1]
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpaste.apache.org%2Fqr5i4&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C6d6282ad2e8e4d5edd3708d7ca3b75d4%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637200229041858023&amp;sdata=HLLC5Ula130rXXtxnzU0oywPc1USYtO2mYnUwwwWY%2Fk%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     From: Alex Harui<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>     Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 6:24 PM
>     To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
>     Subject: Re: Layouts: Changing widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged
> event rules
>     There was a change made to mx:Panel to not run as many layouts.  What
> does the MXML for the broken mx:Panel look like?  I probably missed a case.
>     -Alex
>     On 3/16/20, 1:57 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>         I won’t have time to investigate it today. Rolling back to
> d3e27d65344ad27912000e1e3205b96243d8828e
>         fixes it.
>         From: Yishay Weiss<mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>         Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 10:09 AM
>         To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
>         Subject: RE: Layouts: Changing
> widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged event rules
>         MX|Panel
>         ________________________________
>         From: Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>         Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 10:08:49 AM
>         To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>         Subject: RE: Layouts: Changing
> widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged event rules
>         I’ve just updated Royale and am seeing weird behavior in Panel
> layout. The content is taking up all the space and obliterating the title
> and the rest of the chrome elements. Not sure if it’s related to these
> changes. Will try to isolate it.
>         From: Alex Harui<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
>         Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2020 7:12 AM
>         To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
>         Subject: Layouts: Changing widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged
> event rules
>         Hi,
>         I am wanting to change the way UIBase setWidthAndHeight dispatches
> its events to cut down on the number of layout passes.
>         Right now, if you change both the width and height of a component,
> you get 3 events (widthChanged, heightChanged, sizeChanged).  I want to
> change that so that you only get sizeChanged.  This change would cause the
> "meaning" of widthChanged to mean that only the width changed during a
> resize so you can optimize some of the layout code and similar for
> heightChanged.   And thus, you will only ever get one event out of
> setWidthAndHeight, it will either be:
>         - "widthChanged" meaning that only the width has changed
>         - "heightChanged" meaning that only the height has changed
>         - "sizeChanged" meaning that both width and height have changed
>         Does anyone know of any code that would break if we made this
> change?  Everywhere I look, code listens to all 3 and does not react
> differently so sometimes lays out 3 times, often once before the height has
> changed.
>         Thoughts?
>         -Alex
> --
Shoichiro Takeshita
武下 祥一郎

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