Here come some things we noticed while working on the release steps:

  *   All Jenkins release emails were discarded by my email server, I had to 
use ponymail to read them


  *   Step 001
     *   How can you push without providing credentials on the CI server? It 
seems that when you execute the push on the server, you are not asked for 
  *   Step 002
     *   It seems if we’re logged in and executed the steps on the CI, the 
memory is running low … better to execute the steps from a browser on a local 
machine, so the browser itself isn’t consuming any memory on the Server
     *   It seems the build didn’t pick up the 
“-Dcom.adobe.systemIdsForWhichTheTermsOf” property so it didn’t download the 
playerglobal … we manually copied it there into the maven local repo.
     *   We were having problems that the build agent is killed by windows due 
to low memory quite randomly. We rebooted the CI server to have it in an as 
clean as possible state.
     *   We turned on the pagefile and virtual memory and set it to 5000MB
     *   As the released version of JGit wasn’t committing the root pom, but 
all child poms we commented out the usage of JGit and configured the build step 
001 to set the git settings before starting its magic. Now there is an 
additional parameter to provide “email”

Changes we did:

  *   Step 001
     *   Added a parameter GITUSEREMAIL
     *   Added a command step to set the git settings before the build
  *   Step 002
     *   Added the royale-release profile to the maven execution
     *   Added the FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER environment variable to the jobs 
environment variables
     *   Added the MAVAN_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
     *   Added the -Dcom.adobe.systemIdsForWhichTheTermsOf…. property to the 
build so the mavenizer downloads Adobe artifacts it’s missing
     *   We enabled the pagefile on Windows and set it to automatically manage 
  *   Step 003
     *   Added the FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER environment variable to the jobs 
environment variables
     *   Added the MAVAN_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
     *   Changed the location to look for artifacts to archive to 
“target/local-releases-dir” -> Had to adjust the verification releasesteps ant 
script accordingly

Right now we got differences in the locally built artifacts and will 
investigate this after lunch. I am assuming it’s due to the line separator 
differences on Windows and Mac

So far a status update.


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