Hi Alex,
I finally said Chris to try it myself, so going with that now :)

El mar., 24 mar. 2020 a las 15:40, Christofer Dutz (<
christofer.d...@c-ware.de>) escribió:

> Hi Alex,
> I added a call to set a fixed timezone to the simpledateformat in the
> SWCWriter ... could you please review this?
> Chris
> Am 24.03.20, 15:26 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:
>     Hi all,
>     so today we made progress ... not only did we fix the version skipping
> we observed yesterday. For this the commands done manually in the 001a step
> had to be changed.
>     Now we managed to get the compiler part reproducible, but not so much
> the typedef part.
>     We are observing that the same timestamp is passed in to the build
> when building the release on the ci server and when building the release
> locally. However the timestamps have a strange constant offset 36 in two
> digits of the timestamp in the catalog.xml
>     1585054125000 on the CI server
>     1585057725000 locally
>     I am assuming that perhaps there is time-zone information leaking into
> the parsing of the date as we are using a date-format without time-zone
> information.
>     I would assume that Alex, perhaps you could have a look at what's
> happening in the SWCWriter constructor, where the parsing of the timestamp
> is implemented.
>     Thanks,
>     Chris
>     Am 24.03.20, 09:36 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <
> christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:
>         Hi Alex,
>         I had another look ... I think the version skips one is in step
> 001a ...
>         There the job checks out develop, applies the update to the new
> version of the build tools and jburg types, but then this is pushed and
> then again to the release branch (hereby overwriting the old
> release-branch) ... I'll try out a way with cherry picking the change from
> develop into the release branch. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find
> where the text in the emails comes from ...
>         I'm talking about the order of the constants in the class
> ProblemID. I forced that to be sorted now. That's why we have to re-release
> the build tools.
>         Chris
>         Am 24.03.20, 08:14 schrieb "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID
> >:
>             Re: credentials:  Feel free to disable the credential store.
>  I did not have to both login and go through 2fa to Git Push.  There is
> some long password/token/credential/hash-like thing you get when you sign
> up with Apache Git that seems to work when you use it as a password.
>             Re: the utils steps.  I just looked and it appears that
> compiler-jburg-types and compiler-build-tools are no longer
> child/submodules of the root pom.xml in royale-compiler.  So now I get how
> why the development version won't get bumped up twice.  I think the way it
> was working may be that the updated dev version never got pushed to
> develop.  If you are satisfied with that setup, that's fine with me.  So
> then it might make more sense to get rid of 1a and create a whole new set
> of steps for each of compiler-jburg-types and compiler-build-tools.  If I
> understand correctly, those new steps would run mvn release:branch, mvn
> release:prepare and mvn release:perform in compiler-jburg-types or
> compiler-build-tools, stopping if there are interim pushes that need to be
> done, then start their own vote emails by copying other CI steps.
>             I use a Mac and thought I got all binaries to match from the
> .  I'm not sure what properties you are referring to.
>             I'm done for tonight.  Will catch up in my morning.
>             -Alex
>             On 3/23/20, 11:15 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <
> christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
>                 Good morning all,
>                 well I didn't disable anythig as I didn't want to break
> anything. So I thought before simply changing something I'd ask first.
>                 So I would consider it a "bug" that it's there and when we
> continue today, we'll try to find out and disable the thing.
>                 However I would assume then the RM will not only have to
> do his usual login but also the 2fa thing at every step too, correct?
>                 And, just a kindly meant question ... would it be possible
> to reply at the top instead of inline? I sort of have missed several
>                 Of your Inline comments in the past as at least in my mail
> client it's hard to spot what's mine and what's not.
>                 (I could start counting spaces)
>                 (I first missed this question of yours ... but discovered
> it after counting spaces ;-) )
>                 Well to release the build tool with maven you would simply
> do the:
>                 mvn release:prepare
>                 mvn release:perform
>                 for each of them, then adjust the main pom and do the mvn
> release:branch ... then prepare and perform after that.
>                 Currently also jburg types and the build-tools are sort of
> released in parallel. With maven you would simply release only the module
> that's needed to be released. In our case build-tools would have been
> enough.
>                 Speaking of build-tools ... are you possibly using Windows
> as OS on your system? Just asking because the build-tools seem to have
> always generated a sorted set of properties on windows and an unsorted one
> on Mac (Seems to be differences in the way the filesystem works) ... in
> that case it would have been impossible to have a release manager not using
> Java 8 on a Windows machine. (My changes recently never touched this)
>                 Chris
>                 Am 23.03.20, 22:59 schrieb "Alex Harui"
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>:
>                     On 3/23/20, 2:29 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <
> christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
>                         Hi Alex,
>                         sorry for the confusion ,... I meant the 1a ...
> the one if you build the utils too.
>                         And regarding the credentials: Something must have
> changes as I have never seen that gui thingy pop up before and as soon as
> you login, it saves them in the password manager thingy of windows.
>                     Did you try to disable the password manager?
>                         It is true that I took those two out of the main
> maven reactor, but that's actually a good practice. In plc4x we setup a
> dedicated git repo for releasing these build tools. I have never seen any
> good coming from the old setup (I know ... I did it, but I learnt a lot).
>                     I am not opposed to moving those two projects to a
> different repo.  It would require that we have a truly separate release
> vote for them, so more work in that regard, and the Ant build would have to
> be adjusted to download those jars.  I'm not sure now is the time to make
> that change, but maybe.  Let's see what others think.
>                         Regarding the banches ... we did a git status
> after step 001a (the utils step) and indeed it was done on develop. As the
> maven release isn't doing any selecting and switching of branches it must
> have always been this way. If not the utils release versions would only be
> updated in the release branch and not develop. I couldn't find any cherry
> picking of commits in the process.
>                         Well in the end the steps are way more complicated
> than I would be doing on my local machine. Especially this tolling around
> checking out branches and tagging and pushing is pretty complicated, in my
> opinion. Especially as most the stuff is fully automated.
>                     The Maven Release plugin automatically pushes and
> signs, so yes, the CI steps are more complicated because they have to
> continue on, but if there is a better way to stop and continue, let us know
> what that is.  But I was mainly addressing the branch/version issue for
> those two "utils" projects.  What would be the correct set of Maven Release
> commands to manage that locally without updating the develop version
> twice?  Or maybe as you mention above, there really is no good way and a
> separate repo is essentially the only way.
>                         I think we managed to get the steps 1-4 (including
> the utils stuff) working again, while keeping the cleanup I did a while
> ago.
>                         I hope tomorrow it'll be simper to adjust the
> typedefs and the framework part.
>                         One thing we did notice however that even after
> addressing the memory issues, the build sometimes simply stuck and the
> build wouldn't continue.
>                         In these cases simply killing the job (and the
> processes on the CI server) didn't really help much ... we then had to
> reboot the machine in order to continue. I think we rebooted the thing 5-6
> times today.
>                     My experience was that the Jenkins slave would
> occasionally disconnect and the job would fail right away.  Rebooting
> didn’t help.  I didn't see it get stuck so unfortunately you are seeing
> something new that I haven't seen.  Did you search the internet to see if
> anyone else reported something similar with Jenkins?
>                         Signing off for today,
>                         Chris
>                         Am 23.03.20, 21:38 schrieb "Alex Harui"
> <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>:
>                             Re: credentials:  Does that mean that the git
> config is set to use the credential manager?  If so, maybe that should be
> turned off?  When I did the release, I had to type my password many times.
> Not sure what Piotr's experience was.
>                             Re: Branches:    I don't remember what the
> steps are.  I didn't think there was a 1b, I don't see it in my emails,
> just a 1a that did both compiler-jburg-types and compiler-build-tools.
> Assuming 1a and 1b now reference these two projects, the thing to keep in
> mind is that they are optional projects and so 1a (and probably 1b) won't
> be run for every release.  So, IMO, the branch should be made for the main
> projects in royale-compiler.
>                             But if the changes you made effectively change
> the way the poms are run (when there was a -utils profile for those two
> projects, the main pom still got loaded and that may not be true now), then
> the set of steps may need to test for existence of the branch or something
> like that, not sure.
>                             In the end, the steps are just what you would
> run on your local computer to fill the nexus staging repo, but broken into
> discrete steps at each point Maven would normally push or sign.  If you
> haven’t, it might be worth just running Maven locally to fill a staging
> repo with and without the jburg-types and build-tools projects to see how
> to control when Maven makes branches and updates versions.  Then come back
> and break that down into steps on the CI server.
>                             HTH,
>                             -Alex
>                             On 3/23/20, 12:30 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <
> christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
>                                 Another thing we just discovered.
>                                 The current setup seems to mess up the
> branches:
>                                 - 001 creates the branch and updates
> develop rel = 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT, develop = 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT
>                                 - 001b updates DEVELOP and not the release
> branch
>                                 - 002 pushes develop to the release-branch
> hereby bumping the release branch to the next version rel = 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT,
> develop = 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT
>                                 If the 001b changes would have been done
> in the release branch, develop would still be using the old version.
>                                 So I would propose to change the order of
> 001 and 001b to "release" the build tools before branching.
>                                 And I would propose to fix 002 to work on
> the right branch. As I could see in maven central you have been releasing
> only even version number so I assume this problem exists for quite some
> time now.
>                                 Chris
>                                 Am 23.03.20, 20:12 schrieb "Carlos Rovira"
> <carlosrov...@apache.org>:
>                                     Hi,
>                                     we just saw that windows stores a
> personal access token in Windows
>                                     Crendetials, so the RM is responsible
> to remove it when finish all the
>                                     operations.
>                                     El lun., 23 mar. 2020 a las 19:44,
> Alex Harui (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)
>                                     escribió:
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     > On 3/23/20, 11:32 AM, "Christofer
> Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>
>                                     > wrote:
>                                     >
>                                     >     Hi Alex,
>                                     >
>                                     >     I did check and I didn't
> directly find any .git .ssh or whatsoever
>                                     > directories ... do you have an Idea
> where that would be saved on windows?
>                                     >     The commits are authorized by
> Carlos and it's his RDP connection,
>                                     > that's why I'm asking if there is
> any RDP magic going on. I didn't see him
>                                     > entering anything anywhere and he
> said he didn't do it before.
>                                     >
>                                     > I don't know for sure, but here's a
> few links:
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F46878457%2Fadding-git-credentials-on-windows&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cadba3ac479404cecf3a308d7cfbab263%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637206273081855711&amp;sdata=CdxIgAjWiYoxXGFyPx4fXwXKaFvflCSjWPlmOCxl0Ew%3D&amp;reserved=0
>                                     >
>                                     >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit-scm.com%2Fbook%2Fen%2Fv2%2FGit-Tools-Credential-Storage&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cadba3ac479404cecf3a308d7cfbab263%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637206273081855711&amp;sdata=iHekeRaCHbjA0Jl7pRtNVHsVTX5dV2tWTFdtf7LpL94%3D&amp;reserved=0
>                                     >
>                                     > I'm wondering if Carlos can remember
> if he did.anything like that back
>                                     > when he wrote this:
>                                     >
>                                     >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.apache.org%2Fthread.html%2F8ae38cea0c736418b432b2353f967161c4f8448261a3bdce390e8c46%2540%253Cdev.royale.apache.org%253E&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cadba3ac479404cecf3a308d7cfbab263%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637206273081865700&amp;sdata=7volq8njVi1oM0woTaFPOFsJ%2BNGpCQAz4iH5a9lA3Fs%3D&amp;reserved=0
>                                     >
>                                     > As I replied back then, we shouldn't
> have GPG signing on the CI Server,
>                                     > and hopefully no other credentials
> got added either.
>                                     >
>                                     > HTH,
>                                     > -Alex
>                                     >
>                                     > PS: I'm purposefully not looking
> myself so as not to accidentally boot
>                                     > someone off the RDP connection.
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     >
>                                     --
>                                     Carlos Rovira
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cadba3ac479404cecf3a308d7cfbab263%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637206273081865700&amp;sdata=kNz57NOLjbvDHEG5fyhWphM9uiI1f1EzdmaDKEvWhCw%3D&amp;reserved=0

Carlos Rovira

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