Good catch Chris. I was focusing on the wrong message.

From: Christofer Dutz<>
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7

Just some input from the sidelines:
- It shouldn't have any impact on the build if you enable/disable profiles that 
don't exist. All you get is a warning that tells you the profiles don't exist.

- The actual failure is because the the path to the prerequisiteCheck script is 
windows-encoded (Backslashs) ... strange thing is that this didn't fail for 
normal Windows executions both for Royale same as in PLC4X ... we've got the 
identical setup for 2-3 years now and haven't heard of any issues with it. I 
would guess the build is started somewhat differently than others ... perhaps 
it could be fixed by removing the "${project.basedir}/" prefix and using 
relative paths instead.

And just a little explanation what this script does:
It's a goovy script that is executed and checks if all required tools are 
available in the right versions and if all required environment-variables are 
set and are set to valid values. As soon as you run a Maven build it outputs a 
list of thigs it checked and if checks fail, it quickly fails the build with a 
list of findings the user has to address first.

Hope that helps.


Am 04.05.20, 11:45 schrieb "Carlos Rovira" <>:

    Hi Alex and Yishay,

    first, congrats for the hard work to reach to this point. I think many
    issues has been fixed and only that just is worth the time you guys
    invested on it :)

    regarding voting. I'm confident that my check will report a +1 since, I
    consider all the points for a normal Apache release, but thinking in the
    current problem with running maven from ant with old profiles... why the
    need to make ANT run maven again. both are different build tools and both
    need to work separately, but don't understand why one should run the other.
    And if that's the case, why just make ant run maven? why not make maven run
    ant too? I think it should be all or nothing

    The other point I don't understand is about why to continue vote if you
    detect the problems stated in this thread. For me is completely ok, but if
    you worked hard to make all this complex release process, don't understand
    that you finally consider green light when that approval script is failing.
    For me that means that all that complication was not needed, and people
    must check on its own that is something normal in an apache release, so no
    problem at all with that.

    if you consider it's ok to vote, for me is ok, since all seems to consider
    the real minimum requirements, people is waiting long time, and I'm not
    interested in discuss it, since is clear you see it necessary for your
    release process, but just one to state it so we can all stop and take a
    bird sight on all of it and help us to visualize. Sometimes we use to
    loose perspective when we're working many time and hard in something.

    Anyway, I'll wait to have clear if is time to try release and vote to not
    waste time if it's not ok finally.



    El lun., 4 may. 2020 a las 9:11, Alex Harui (<>)

    > I just quickly reviewed the various RELEASE_NOTES/README/LICENSE/NOTICE
    > files.  I guess nobody had done that earlier.  The biggest problem is that
    > there were 3 missing binary package dependencies in the LICENSE in the
    > binary package.
    > I noticed the copyright year in the various NOTICE.* files is still 2019
    > but did not update it because I am running out of time.  I've heard
    > different opinions on how important that is.
    > The URL to the online Release Notes is in the
    > royale-asjs/  This might be a good time to create the 
    > page if it doesn't already exist.
    > I'm stopping work for tonight.
    > -Alex
    > On 5/3/20, 11:58 PM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:
    >     Ik, online release notes sounds like a good compromise. Thank for the
    > fixes. Let the votes begin!
    >     ________________________________
    >     From: Alex Harui <>
    >     Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 6:00 AM
    >     To: <>
    >     Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7
    >     Not sure I understood you.  We can't release a changed README in
    > royale-compiler without starting an RC4.  The updated README has been
    > committed to the release branch.  We have to revert some commits on the
    > release branches that change the versions to 0.9.8 snapshot before 
    > over.
    >     If you have the time to re-run most of the steps, that would be best,
    > but will delay the release and I'm not sure it is worth it.  We have 
    > release notes to make corrections.
    >     I think it is mostly up to you though.
    >     -Alex
    >     On 5/3/20, 10:42 PM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:
    >         I think we should continue the vote. If more problems are
    > discovered I can start another release candidate. I think we should at
    > least fix the compile README to not use -main.
    >         From: Alex Harui<>
    >         Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 10:06 PM
    >         To:<>
    >         Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7
    >         Bummer.   Lots of little things flushed out late in the game.
    >         -There are .afdesign binary files checked into our repos.  These
    > are binary files that aren't the common types (.PNG, .JPG, etc).
    >         -New required folders (src/main) were added to the Maven build for
    > royale-compiler and royale-asjs but not added to the Ant source packaging
    >         -The uses of -main that Yishay found.
    >         IMO, quickest way to a release is to not start over with an RC4
    > unless we find a more major problem with RC3.  I've updated several files
    > in the branch.  I'm going to skip releasecandidate.xml for now until
    > someone wants to cut a release locally and use Ant to type fewer commands.
    >         The Approval script will fail testing if the Ant source can be
    > used by Maven.  Assuming the Maven distribution is working, this is less
    > important.  So I think that we skip that test for this RC.  I put an
    > ApproveRoyale.xml on dist that skips that test and then the approval 
    > completed successfully.  I also manually tested that if we have the two
    > missing folders that the ApproveRoyale.xml I checked into the release
    > branch will build the Maven artifacts from the Ant source.
    >         So, IMO, I think the packages are good enough for now and we
    > should release unless we find something is broken in the jars and swcs.
    >         My 2 cents,
    >         -Alex
    >         On 5/3/20, 8:08 AM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:
    >             I will look into it.
    >             -Alex
    >             On 5/3/20, 7:35 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <>
    > wrote:
    >                 Whatever the fix is, it will also need to be applied in
    > these files:
    >                 C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs [release/0.9.7 =]> git grep
    > "main,utils"
    >                 ApproveRoyale.xml:            <arg value="-main,utils" />
    >                 releasecandidate.xml:            <arg value="-main,utils"
    > />
    >                 releasecandidate.xml:            <arg value="-main,utils"
    > />
    >                 releasemgr/README:royale-compiler:  mvn clean install -P
    > -main,utils
    >                 C:\dev\flexjs\royale-asjs [release/0.9.7 =]> cd ..
    >                 C:\dev\flexjs> cd .\royale-compiler\
    >                 C:\dev\flexjs\royale-compiler [release/0.9.7 =]> git grep
    > "main,utils"
    >                 Jenkinsfile:                bat "mvn -U clean ${mavenGoal}
    > ${mavenLocalRepo} -s C:\\.m2\\settings.xml -P -main,utils
    > -Dcom.adobe.systemIdsForWhichTheTermsOfTheA
    >                 dobeLicenseAgreementAreAccepted=3c9041a9,3872fc1e"
    >                 README:        mvn clean install -P -main,utils
    >                 From: Yishay Weiss<>
    >                 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 5:06 PM
    >                 To:<>
    >                 Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7
    >                 Looks like the profiles in ApproveRoyale.xml need to be
    > updated after Chris’s refactor. Can someone fix this?
    >                        <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${basedir}/${
    >}/royale-compiler" failonerror="true" >
    >                             <arg value="-P" />
    >                             <arg value="-main,utils" />
    >                             <arg value="clean" />
    >                             <arg value="install" />
    >                         </exec>
    >                         <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${basedir}/${
    >}/royale-compiler" failonerror="true"
    > inputstring="Yes">
    >                             <arg value="clean" />
    >                             <arg value="-P" />
    >                             <arg value="${compiler_mvn_profiles}" />
    >                             <arg value="install" />
    >                         </exec>
    >                         <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${basedir}/${
    >}/royale-typedefs" failonerror="true" >
    >                             <arg value="clean" />
    >                             <arg value="install" />
    >                         </exec>
    >                         <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${basedir}/${
    >}/royale-asjs" failonerror="true" inputstring="Yes">
    >                             <arg value="${asjs_mvn_defines}" />
    >                             <arg value="clean" />
    >                             <arg value="-P" />
    >                             <arg value="${asjs_mvn_profiles}" />
    >                             <arg value="install" />
    >                         </exec>
    >                 From: Yishay Weiss<>
    >                 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 5:02 PM
    >                 To:<>
    >                 Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7
    >                 Oops, may have been premature to start the vote.
    >                 I’m getting this [1] when running ApproveRoyale.xml. Any
    > ideas?
    >                 [1]
    >                 build_maven:
    >                      [echo] Path is
    > Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Prog
    >                 ram Files\Common
    > Files (x86)\Vim\vim82;C:\Program Fi
    >                 les\Git\cmd;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program
    > Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Program
    > Files\PuTTY\;C:\Users\Yishay\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\U
    > Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_212\bin;C:\WINDOWS\
    > Files (x86)\Gpg4win\..\GnuPG\b
    >                 in;C:\Program
    > Files (x86)\Vim\vim82
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Parent
    >                             [pom]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler:
    > Compiler-Common                           [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Test Utils
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Externc
    >                            [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler-JX
    >                            [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: SWFUtils
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Debugger
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: OEM Layer
    >                            [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Ant Tasks
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: RoyaleUnit Ant Tasks
    >                             [jar]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Maven Plugin
    >                   [maven-plugin]
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] ---------<
    > org.apache.royale.compiler:royale-compiler-parent >----------
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Building Apache Royale: Compiler:
    > Parent 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT           [1/12]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom
    > ]---------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean
    > (default-clean) @ royale-compiler-parent ---
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce
    > (enforce-maven-version) @ royale-compiler-parent ---
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] --- groovy-maven-plugin:2.1.1:execute
    > (prerequisite-check) @ royale-compiler-parent ---
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Reactor Summary for Apache Royale:
    > Compiler: Parent 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT:
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Parent
    > .................... FAILURE [  3.938 s]
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler:
    > Compiler-Common ........... SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Test Utils
    > ................ SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Externc
    > ................... SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler
    > .................. SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler-JX
    > ............... SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: SWFUtils
    > .................. SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: Debugger
    > .................. SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Compiler: OEM Layer
    > ................. SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Ant Tasks
    > .................... SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: RoyaleUnit Ant Tasks
    > ................ SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Apache Royale: Royale Maven Plugin
    > ................. SKIPPED
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Total time:  5.067 s
    >                      [exec] [INFO] Finished at: 2020-05-03T16:52:27+03:00
    >                      [exec] [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >                      [exec] [WARNING] The requested profile "utils" could
    > not be activated because it does not exist.
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
    > org.codehaus.gmaven:groovy-maven-plugin:2.1.1:execute (prerequisite-check)
    > on project royale-compiler-parent: Executi
    >                 on prerequisite-check of goal
    > org.codehaus.gmaven:groovy-maven-plugin:2.1.1:execute failed: startup
    > failed:
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] script1.groovy: 1: unexpected char:
    > '\' @ line 1, column 3.
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]      ^
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] 1 error
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the
    > errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to
    > enable full debug logging.
    >                      [exec] [ERROR]
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] For more information about the errors
    > and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    >                      [exec] [ERROR] [Help 1]
    >                      [exec] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:
    > -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    >                 BUILD FAILED
    > C:\dev\dist\dist\dev\royale\0.9.7\rc3\ApproveRoyale.xml:780: The following
    > error occurred while executing this line:
    > C:\dev\dist\dist\dev\royale\0.9.7\rc3\ApproveRoyale.xml:797: exec 
    > 1
    >                 Total time: 122 minutes 58 seconds
    >                 C:\dev\dist\dist\dev\royale\0.9.7\rc3> From:
    >                 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 4:53 PM
    >                 To:<>
    >                 Subject: [DISCUSS] Discuss Release Apache Royale 0.9.7
    >                 This is the discussion thread.
    >                 Thanks,
    >                 Yishay Weiss

    Carlos Rovira

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