Ok ... last finding ... the "distribution" directory is empty, therefore you 
can't build a maven distribution with this ...

Am 11.05.20, 10:43 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

    I folks,

    I reviewed the release, not using the automated script, but with the 
procedure I usually use for PLC4X and all other projects I'm involved in.

    From what I see I would vote -1 on this as the number of findings was a 
little too high to feel comfortable with. 

    Some I'd consider minor, but some other not.

    I'm not yet finished but thought I'd send off this email as the 72 hour 
border is coming closer ... I'll add more information to the DISCUSS thread.


    [OK] Download all staged artifacts under the url specified in the release 
vote email into a directory we’ll now call download-dir.
    [OK] Verify the signatures are correct
    [NOT OK] Check if the signature references an Apache email address. (The 
GPG signature references yishayj...@hotmail.com)
    [OK] Unzip the archives
    [OK] Verify the existence of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files 
in the extracted source bundle.
    [NOT OK] Verify the content of LICENSE, NOTICE, README, RELEASE_NOTES files 
in the extracted source bundle
    [OK] Verify the staged source README, RELEASE_NOTE files correspond to 
those in the extracted source bundle.
    [NOT OK] Run RAT externally to ensure there are no surprises
    [NOT OK] Search for "SNAPSHOT" references
    [NOT OK] Search for "Copyright" and cross-reference mentions in the NOTICE 
    [OK] Build the project according to the information in the README.md file.
    [OK] Build with the information in the README 
        [OK] Maven: OK as no additional profile was enabled (Built with clean 
maven local repo)
        [OK] ANT (Without SWF stuff though)
    [NOT OK] Build the project with all with-xyz profiles and tests enabled and 
an empty maven local repo: by appendng -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2.
        - [OK] compiler: mvn clean install -P option-with-swf 
        - [OK] typedefs: mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2
        - [NOT OK] asjs: mvn clean install -P 
 -Dmaven.repo.local=../.m2 -DdistributionTargetFolder=../distribution 
        - [NOT OK] When doing a "ant clean" this failed.

    - Apache releases should be signed with a gpg signature associated with the 
RMs apache email address.
    - The files in the LICENSE and NOTICE file in the source-bundle reference 
paths that don't exist. I know where to find them, but someone not familiar 
with the structure wouldn't find them
    - Some files in the LICENSE reference completely wrong paths as they seem 
to reference the directory structure before the mavenization of the directories.
    - Super-Minor: README line 24, last word "sourc" is missing an "e".
    - In ASJS there is a binary file which is obviously copied from outside, 
but not listed in either NOTICE nor License 
    - SNAPSHOT references: 
        - There are several poms that don't seem to be updated (Probably the 
profiles adding them to the build weren't enabled when preparing the release): 
        - The archetypes reference SNAPSHOT versions
        - jewel/TourDeJewel/pom.xml (The release plugin doesn't seem to see the 
SNAPSHOT version inside the artifact items ... switch to "project.version" or 
some other property which is ensured to be updated during the release)
        - mxroyale/FileReference/pom.xml
        - royale/Ace/pom.xml
        - roylae/ColorPickerExample/pom.xml
        - royale/FileProxy/pom.xml
        - royale/RemoteObjectAMFTestBasic/pom.xml
        - projects/ACE/pom.xml
        - royale-framework-parent "mvn-scm-provider-jgit"
    - Multiple Files have Copyright headers in place, but are not listed in the 
NOTICE file:
        - royale-asjs/examples/crux/CruxQuickStart (Multiple Files)
    - Multiple files have old year dates with the Apache copyright
        - When doing a "ant clean" or "super-clean" I get a failure: 
tmp/zip/royale-asjs/build.xml:631: Basedir 
/Users/christofer.dutz/tmp/zip/royale-asjs/manualtests does not exist
    - Building with Maven with all profiles enabled:
        - examples/examples-integrationtests (all versions were not updated)
        - manualtests not included in the distribution at all
    What I did to fix the build:
    - Manually updated the versions in "examples-integrationtests"
    - Omitted the "with-maualtests" profile

    Am 08.05.20, 13:28 schrieb "apacheroyal...@gmail.com" 

        This is the vote for the 0.9.7 release of Apache Royale.  The release 
candidate can be found here;

        Before voting please review the section,'What are the ASF requirements 
on approving a release?', at: 

        At a minimum you would be expected to check that:
        - SHA and signed packages are correct
        - README, RELEASE_NOTES, NOTICE and LICENSE files are all fine
        - That the build script completes successfully
        - That you can compile and crosscompile a simple example using the SDK.

        The KEYS file is at 

        The source package is a combination of the 3 main Royale repos.

        To use the binary package, unzip it into a folder. The -js package is 
ready-to-use in an IDE or command-line. If you need SWF output, use the
        -js-swf package and use Apache Ant to run the InstallAdobeSDKs script 
            ant -f InstallAdobeSDKs.xml

        You may also get the binarypackages via NPM. The -js package can be 
installed via:
        npm install 

        The full package with SWF support can be installed via:

        npm install 

        Maven artifacts are staged here: 

        Please vote to approve this release:
        +1 Approve the release
        -1 Disapprove the release (please provide specific comments to why)

        This vote will be open for 72 hours or until a result can be called.

        The vote passes if there is:
        - At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
        - More positive votes than negative votes

        Remember that this is a 'beta-quality' release so expect there will be 
many bugs found. IMO the goal is not to try to find and fix bugs in the RC, but 
to make sure we have the packaging right, and enough functionality that folks 
will have some success trying to use it.  People who are not in PMC are also 
encouraged to test out the release and vote, although their votes will not be 
binding, they can influence how the PMC votes.

        When voting please indicate what OS, IDE, Flash Player version and AIR 
version you tested with.  

        For your convenience, there is an ant script that automates the common 
steps to validate a release.  Instead of individually downloading the package 
and signature files, unzipping, etc, you can instead:
        1) create an empty folder,
        2) download into that folder this file:
        3) run the script:
           ant -e -f ApproveRoyale.xml -Drelease.version=0.9.7 -Drc=5
           If you want to test SWF support during the approval, use:
           ant -e -f ApproveRoyale.xml -Drelease.version=0.9.7 -Drc=5 

        You are not required to use this script, and more testing of the 
packages and build results are always encouraged.

        Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread 
not this VOTE thread.

        Yishay Weiss

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