Yishay, Alex well done on the recent efforts. Very much appreciated and
will be great to see us getting these out quickly going forward.

Another thing you may want to add to the announce is this:


And I would suggest that if others have things they feel should be added to
that, don't hold back :)

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 7:21 PM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Good catch. Carlos, is there an easy way for me to do that?
> ________________________________
> From: Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 9:59:48 AM
> To: Apache Royale Development <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: [DRAFT][ANNOUNCE] Apache Royale 0.9.7 released
> Hi Yishay,
> I believe before you announce anything Download page should be updated [1]
> [1] https://royale.apache.org/download/
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> czw., 14 maj 2020 o 08:39 Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> napisał(a):
> > I’ll wait 24 hours for your comments before releasing the official
> > announcement.
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> > Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 9:36:30 AM
> > To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
> > Subject: [DRAFT][ANNOUNCE] Apache Royale 0.9.7 released
> >
> >
> > The Apache Royale community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
> > Royale 0.9.7.
> >
> > The Apache Royale project is the next generation of the Apache Flex SDK.
> It
> > lets developers use MXML and ActionScript 3 to generate HTML/JS/CSS
> > applications which can run natively in browsers. The cross-compiled code
> > can also run on platforms like Electron or Apache Cordova (Adobe
> PhoneGap)
> > to build mobile applications.
> >
> > This release should be considered ‘beta’ quality, although we’re very
> close
> > to a 1.0 release and we have many applications in production at this
> point.
> > The purpose of this release is to continue to gather feedback about
> > Royale’s features and the project’s implementation strategies, and to
> > recruit new contributors. We hope to grow the code base into an SDK and
> > tool chain that delivers the highest productivity when developing
> > applications that can run on many platforms. Beta releases, however, may
> > not handle all production needs.
> >
> > Changes in 0.9.7:
> >
> > Apache Royale Framework 0.9.7:
> >
> >
> https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/blob/apache-royale-0.9.7/RELEASE_NOTES.md
> > Apache Royale Compiler 0.9.7:
> >
> >
> https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/blob/apache-royale-0.9.7/RELEASE_NOTES.md
> >
> > Please file bugs at:
> >
> >     https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues
> >
> > If you happen to know it is a compiler issue, please use:
> >
> >     https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/issues
> >
> > For questions about how to use Royale, send email to [hidden email].
> > For questions and feedback on the development of the source code in the
> > release, send email to [hidden email].
> >
> > Apache Royale is available in source and binary form from the Apache
> > mirrors:
> >
> > Source:
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/apache-royale-0.9.7-src.tar.gz
> >
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/apache-royale-0.9.7-src.zip
> >
> > Binary:
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/binaries/apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js.tar.gz
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/binaries/apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js.zip
> >
> > Binary with SWF support:
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/binaries/apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf.tar.gz
> >
> >
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/royale/0.9.7/binaries/apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js-swf.zip
> >
> > When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the
> > downloads using signatures or MD5 hashes.
> >
> > The binary packages can also be installed via NPM.
> >
> > Mac:
> >   sudo npm install @apache-royale/royale-js -g
> >
> > Or for SWF Support:
> >   sudo npm install @apache-royale/royale-js-swf -g
> >
> > Windows:
> >   npm install @apache-royale/royale-js -g
> >
> > Or for SWF Support:
> >   npm install @apache-royale/royale-js-swf -g
> >
> > See the README for more information. The language reference (ASDoc) is
> > here: https://royale.apache.org/asdoc/
> >
> > Additional documentation is here: https://apache.github.io/royale-docs/
> >
> > The documentation is still a work in progress. Volunteers are welcome to
> > help improve it. Visit https://royale.apache.org/ for links to other
> > resources.
> >
> > Please try Royale and become involved in shaping the future of
> application
> > development.
> >
> > The Apache Royale Community
> >
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

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