
I think charts are a very important part of UX and UI Solutions. It was for
Flex and Royale needs something actual.
Emulation always can continue efforts on mx chart versions. But new Royale
Apps (mostly Jewel, Basic and others) will required some modern solution.

Seems all folks here point to ECharts, so I'm planning to create a library
for Apache ECharts in the same way I did in the past for MDL, so instead of
just creating an @extern, it will be a Royale Component with its own API.

Another way would be to just create @externs for ECharts, but since it is a
"component", it seems using like a UIBase inside Royale will benefit from a
better integration.

In resume, seems to me what I did for MDL seems the best to apply here,
instead something like html2pdf, that seems to me a clear input that wants
a clear output and is not something we require to integrate and mix well
with other Royale controls and containers

So what do you think about this?

El mar., 28 jul. 2020 a las 9:04, Maria Jose Esteve (<mjest...@iest.com>)

> Hi,
> Thanks Harbs.
> Yesterday I was looking at Carlos's integration with html2PDF,
> https://github.com/tomLadder/react-native-echarts-wrapper and some
> examples from the SDK.
> I have implemented an echart class, another echartInstance, but I don't
> know if it will work as I need… In principle it seems that I can only
> create one instance of echart per document (at least that's what they
> advise, of course) and handle each “independent graph ”With the property“
> group ”,…
> Well, I keep doing tests ... I don't know if I will succeed because I'm
> going "blind".
> I will continue to inform you.
> Thx
> Hiedra
> *De:* Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* martes, 28 de julio de 2020 8:15
> *Para:* us...@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Charts
> https://royale.apache.org/using-external-javascript-libraries-in-apache-royale/
> Here’s a reference for other frameworks which integrated into echarts:
> https://echarts.apache.org/en/download-extension.html#framework
> On Jul 27, 2020, at 8:20 PM, Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> wrote:
> Piotr, where should I start? Do you recommend any integration guide?
> As I have commented, on some other occasion, I do not have an overview of
> how we interact with js ...
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 27 de julio de 2020 17:31
> *Para:* us...@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Charts
> Hi Carlos,
> I didn't create typedefs and I won't have time for that - unless I will
> get some direct task to do that. I have simply injected library trough
> index.html and created AS3 classes which wrap up ECharts library. - Anyone
> can do that in their app. - I just wanted to get information out that -
> ECharts is working nicely with Royale.
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> pon., 27 lip 2020 o 17:18 Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> napisał(a):
> Hi Piotr, Maria,
> I think we should have an ECharts library in Royale. In this case, I don't
> see the point for old Flex charts, and others here (like Chris Dutz)
> already showed interest in it. What do you think about adding your current
> library effort to Royale? I think many others here could be interested in
> contributing to it.
> If there's some client restrictions, I think we should plan to add our own.
> Thanks!
> Carlos
> El lun., 27 jul. 2020 a las 15:25, Piotr Zarzycki (<
> piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> Hi Maria,
> I don't think that anyone put effort to emulate mx Charts. What's more it
> will be difficult to mix them with Jewel, due to CSS conflicts - it's
> probably doable, but I doubt anyone tried.
> In our application I didn't even consider using any Charts from Royale -
> I went with usage of Apache ECharts [1] - I have finished integrating it
> with our Jewel app - it's not released yet, but in terms of integration it
> wasn't too difficult. Maybe this could be your solution.
> [1] https://echarts.apache.org/
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> pon., 27 lip 2020 o 13:12 Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> napisał(a):
> Hello,
> I have to make several Charts (bar and pie) and I was looking at the
> examples included in the SDK.
> I am doing tests, in my Jewel Application implementing crux, with the
> Basic Chart controls but I have problems with the dataproviders. Before
> continuing I wanted to ask you a question ... could you use the mx charts?
> Thank you
> --
> *Piotr Zarzycki *
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira
> --
> *Piotr Zarzycki *
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

Carlos Rovira

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