Just about everything in Royale is the way it is because it was the fastest way 
to get someone's app working.  Not only is there a PAYG (pay-as-you-go) 
philosophy, there is a DAYG (do-as-you-go) philosophy.  We didn't have enough 
folks committing code to optimize or emulate all Flex code paths.

For the apps I worked on, they rarely called getStyle, so there wasn't a need 
to emulate the old Flex lookup.  Also, it seemed better to steer those apps 
away from using getStyle, especially for non-CSS-compliant styles.  A Royale 
app should perform best if the UI relies on CSS-compliant styles and no JS code 
is thinking about styles.  IMO, Royale doesn't have to emulate 100% of Flex, it 
just has to emulate enough of Flex that Royale is the fastest path to migrating 
a fast-enough app.  Sometimes it is better to change your Flex app-code than 
run on an emulation that is slow and/or fat.

So feel free to replace SimpleCSSStyles in MX and Spark application if you 
want, but I suggest making sure you really have to have getStyle work in your 
app or optimize how it works for a few scenarios where you have to have it.


On 1/2/21, 3:16 AM, "Edward Stangler" <estang...@bradmark.com> wrote:

    What is the motivation of why style propagation is implemented
    differently in Royale vs. Flex?
    In Flex, UIComponent.getStyle() can look at materialized versions of the
    inherited and non-inherited style values.  It's quick.  Propagation is
    done through notifyStyleChangeInChildren().  (And that can be a
    bottleneck in some cases;  I've had to override
    ViewStack.notifyStyleChangeInChildren() in Flex for performance, for
    In Royale, UIComponent.getStyle() calls
    ValuesManager.valuesImpl.getValue().  For
    SimpleCSSValuesImpl.getValue(), that results in looping up the class
    hierarchy (A extends B extends C etc.) and then recursive calls to
    getValue() up the parent chain (A contains B contains C etc.),
    potentially many levels.  SimpleCSSValuesImpl.getValue() takes a
    non-trivial amount time.  And all this happens for each call to
    In other words:
    In Flex,
    - getStyle() is usually cheap [O(1)],
    - but style changes are expensive [O(size of tree)];
    In Royale,
    - getStyle() is probably expensive (at least in SimpleCSSValuesImpl up
    many levels) [O(class hierarchy depth + longest paths in tree)],
    - but style changes are cheap (presumably) [O(1) + event dispatches].
    So this becomes a bottleneck in some parts of MX / Spark.  For example,
    during AdvancedDataGrid scrolling (after some other bigger bottlenecks
    are eliminated), where some of the renderers (especially header
    renderers) call getStyle() over and over and over again.
    Before I go about trying to optimize some side of this, I just wanted to
    understand why it's like this.

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