Hi Thanks.
        I am using 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT version which is taken around 
November/December 2020. I am facing the slowness on both IE and chrome. Let me 
try the latest snapshot. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Stangler <estang...@bradmark.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 2:40 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: profiler result on royale application performance

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Which version of Royale are you using?

At least some of this has been more optimized (i.e. checkInterface, grid 
scrolling, XML parsing, etc.) over the past few weeks.  So it would be in the 
nightly build.

I'm running with similar use of MX AdvancedDataGrid (under Spark), some with 
more columns.  Though, not under IE (mostly Firefox, Chrome, and Edge Chromium).

On 1/12/2021 12:49 AM, Nallathambi, Varunkumar wrote:
> Hi ,
>               My application is loading very slow. Even in low data. For 10 
> to 20 records it is taking around 1.30 min. When we click scroll bar, it 
> displayed as blank page for some time and later it load the data after some 
> time(around 40 to 60 sec).
> I ran IE- Profiler. I can see the below functions consumes more time.
> offsetWidth - 3166.3
> org.apache.royale.language.checkInterface - 2578 offsetParent - 2290 
> offsetHeight - 2024 appendChild -974
> ...
> Will it possible to reduce the time on loading. And Item renderer also taking 
> much time. We are using 2 advanced datagrid side by side. Having almost 15 
> columns overall. Around 10 column has item renderer. Kindly help me to 
> increase the performance.

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