Thanks, Carlos. I might end up using a css layout here but I believe Edward has 
been doing some work on List layouts so I’m curious to see if he has some 
pointers from his end.

From: Carlos Rovira<>
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 1:05 PM
To: Apache Royale Development<>
Subject: Re: Tile Layout for Spark List


I create Jewel Tile layout based on spark one, so you can check and take
something from there, just take into account that are based on jewel
layout, so don't know how much you could take.


El sáb, 16 ene 2021 a las 11:22, Yishay Weiss (<>)

> I’m looking to emulate something like this Flex code:
>            <s:List id="myList" width="500" height="500">
>                       <s:layout>
>                                  <s:TileLayout useVirtualLayout="true"
> columnAlign="justifyUsingGap"/>
>                       </s:layout>
>            </s:List>
> Has anyone done this?

Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
*Apache Software Foundation*

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