Hi, let's see if someone can give me a clue of what is happening to me or if I 
am doing something wrong ...
As an example, a new jewel bead 😝
I have a fork of the SDK where I do tests, royale-asjs-fork.
After the modifications I compile it with Maven and Ant (I only compile 
In my test project I have as SDK the folder royale-asjs-fork (both in 
as3mxml.sdk.framework and in as3mxml.sdk.editor)
I implement, in my project, the new bead "<j: xxxBead />" without any problem, 
the vscode does not show me any error, it recognizes the reference and I can go 
to the definition (jewel.swc) BUT when I compile the project with maven marks 
me error:

Error: This tag could not be resolved to an ActionScript class. It will be 

A similar problem happened to me a couple of days ago with a modification that 
Carlos made in the SDK (redefinition of a private variable to protected): I 
downloaded the SDK and compiled it as I do every day, but the modifications 
were not recognized. In this case, it did not give any error, it simply could 
not refer to the variable that had changed scope, as if the modification had 
not been made in the SDK.

I imagine that both problems are related but my knowledge of sdk, Maven and 
ant, is limited and I cannot understand it.

Do i have to do something else? I don't understand what difference there is 
between the sdk that I download and compile, to the sdk that I modify and 
compile in the same way.

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