“jQuery” is technically more “correct” as that’s the official name.

Also, the type in Actionscript is “jQuery” and not “JQuery”.

For users of ANT or asconfigc, the capitalization should not matter because in 
normal use, the library SWC is not referenced directly.

My understanding from you is that changing the capitalization will break things 
for users of Maven.

That seems to me like an argument to change it to “JQuery” for all builds, 
although making a change in a pom for users who have the dependency is probably 
not a big deal. Making it capital would make the swc file name and the type 
name not match.

I don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other, but those seem to be the 
sides of the question to me. It does make sense to me that all builds should 
have matching file names and capitalizations. If I was forced to pick one, I’d 
probably pick “jQuery”, but like I said I don’t care very much.

My $0.02,

> On Feb 23, 2021, at 10:48 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> while working on making both the ANT and Maven distributions as similar as 
> possible, we noticed that in the Ant build the jQuery Library is called 
> "jQuery" (with a lower-case J) and in Maven all libaries are capitalized.
> I think we should streamline this that it's equal in both.
> The question is which one to change?
> Changing the Maven one will have very clear implications: Except that every 
> dependency to the artifact will have to be changed to the lower-case version, 
> there are no side-effecty. I would however consider this a breaking change as 
> if you use jQuery you can't just bump the Royale version and get things 
> working. So if we go down this path, we should mention this in the 
> RELEASE_NOTES as breaking change.
> If we change the ANT version, we would have all libs follow the same pattern 
> (just an esthetic advantage in my opinion ... but it does pop my eye 
> everytime I see it). But I can't say which implications this would have to 
> the backward compatibility. I would however expect this not to be a breaking 
> change. As I have learned in the past few weeks, when working with ANT people 
> usually rely on the manifests and catalogs of the SDK. These would be updated 
> by us and simply building against a newer SDK would use upsted catalogs and 
> manifests and therefore shouldn't have any effect. But I'm no expert on this 
> form of build.
> If I had a vote, I would probably vote for having capital letters for all 
> libs.
> Chris

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