Yeah, Observables have a bit of magic.  And most of rxjs is a bit much,

The equivalent of your example (JS only), in Observables in Angular, for
example, would be:

var sub:Subscription = httpclient.get("";,
{responseType: 'text'})
    .subscribe( results => done(results), error => fault(error) );

And done() and fault() can be anonymous functions (and the "sub"
variable is optional).  And you can cancel and do a few other things.

BehaviorSubject is also nice, in that it lets you have more control over

Not a task system, obviously.

On 10/24/2021 11:46 PM, Harbs wrote:
> async/await makes things both better and worse. It lends itself to less 
> spaghetti code at the price of more magic. The chaining problems still exist 
> with async/await AFAIK.
> I conceptually like the idea of Observables, but it’s quite a world of its 
> own. It has a pretty large learning curve and is overkill for any use case 
> I’ve personally had.
> AsyncTasks is much less ambitious. It aims to do one thing well rather than 
> tackling every problem in the Async space with one solution that has lots of 
> conventions.
> Also, Observables is firmly on the FP train, which I’m not. I prefer OOP 
> solutions to functional ones.
> For those not familiar with Observables and how complex/complete (depending 
> on your perspective) it is, take a look at this: 
> FWIW, I’ve entertained the idea of creating an Observable implementation for 
> Royale, but it was too much for me to undertake considering the chances of me 
> wanting to use it personally is slim.
>> On Oct 25, 2021, at 3:15 AM, Edward Stangler wrote:
>> I assume you're describing Promises without async / await, below.
>> How does your stuff compare to Observables?
>> On 10/24/2021 5:28 AM, Harbs wrote:
>>> I just made a commit and I want to give some background:
>>> I personally strongly dislike Promises. Promises address a need (namely 
>>> callback hell), but IMO address it poorly. I find Promises unintuitive and 
>>> difficult to use especially when the use case is complex. I have cases 
>>> where I have a literally a chain of 35 “then” calls with various catches 
>>> mixed in. It’s a nightmare to maintain.
>>> Here’s my beefs with Promises
>>> 1. You never actually invoke them. You declare a new Promise (or it gets 
>>> spawned for you) and it magically happens on its own. I hate magic.
>>> 2. The aforementioned problem makes it very difficult to control *when* the 
>>> promise gets invoked.
>>> 3. It’s not very intuitive how/when to resolve and reject promises.
>>> 4. Promises lend themselves to nested function calls which I find very hard 
>>> to read.
>>> 5. Running many promises and actually dealing with the results is hard and 
>>> cumbersome.
>>> 6. Promise.all can help with the above, but what happens if *some* of them 
>>> pass? There’s many different ways that you might want to handle that.
>>> 7. There’s very little control of parallel vs serial running of promises.
>>> 8. What is the result? Hard to know. I’d really like some strongly typed 
>>> values to make my life easier.
>>> 9. How do you deal with progress and promises? It only resolves or rejects. 
>>> AFAIK, fetch has no way to get progress. How dumb is that?
>>> On top of all this, I just find I always need to go back to the spec every 
>>> time I use promises. I find them *very* unintuitive.
>>> So I decided to do something about it. My solution is AsyncTasks.
>>> I created AsyncTasks over two years ago and I’ve been using them in my app 
>>> since then. (My use case was pretty specific to my needs.) I had on my 
>>> to-do list to add some concrete AsyncTasks to Royale for this whole time 
>>> and I was finally inspired to follow through…
>>> I just created three Async classes in Network for HTTP requests and I 
>>> figured now was the time to explain how to use them. ;-)
>>> Basically:
>>> var task: HttpRequestTask = new HttpRequestTask();
>>> task.url = “ <> 
>>> < <>>”;
>>> task.done(function(taskReturned:HttpRequestTask):void{
>>>     trace(“task is the same and taskReturned: “ + task == taskReturned);// 
>>> you get the task back in the done callback
>>>     if(task.status == AsyncTask.COMPLETE){
>>>             trace(task.httpResult);
>>>             trace(task.httpStatus);
>>>     } else {// it failed you can get the status to know why
>>>             trace(task.httpStatus);
>>>        }
>>> });
>>> // you need to run it or nothing happens...
>>> That’s a single task. You can also pass an array of tasks (of all types) 
>>> into a CompoundAsyncTask or a SequentialAsyncTask.
>>> CompoundAsyncTasks run all the requests in parallel. You can failEarly if 
>>> you want it to complete when the first one errors. Otherwise you have the 
>>> list of all the tasks when it’s done and you can loop through them to do 
>>> whatever you want with the results. You can also get the completed and 
>>> failed tasks separately.
>>> SequentialAsyncTask is the same, but it runs each task when the previous 
>>> one finished. It passes the previous task into the next one’s run method so 
>>> you can chain results.
>>> I added tasks for upload and download progress.
>>> I’d like to create one for multipart and File upload as well, but not today…
>>> IMO this architecture addresses every one of my pet peeves. I find them 
>>> easy to use and reason about. I also just updated them to make it pretty 
>>> difficult to create memory leaks while using them. 
>>> I hope you like it as much as me… ;-)
>>> Harbs

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