It's been a long time so my memory is fuzzy too.  I can spend more time digging 
if it is needed, but my quick answers are inline below.  The ASDoc example is 
MVC.  Start with the ASDoc model, see how it loads the .json files and add and 
tweak what you need.

On 11/29/21, 2:09 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:


    It looks like MXRoyale/SparkRoyale is causing ASDoc to fail.

    I got it compile and work by commenting out all the MX and Spark stuff.

    Can someone who’s been working on that, take a look?

    How does this actually *work* though?

    * It looks like it’s using asdoc.jar to do *something*. What that something 
is and how it works, I don’t quite understand.
AJH: I'd have to dig to verify. It could be in order to extract SWF-side info, 
or maybe it is just there because I never removed its use.

    * The config files have a list of doc-namespaces. What’s the purpose of 
AJH:  I think there are some things that were compiled in only for Flex ASDoc 
like the low-level AS3 classes.

    * There is a list of exclude-sources. Why is that?
AJH: I think there are some source files that are includes and otherwise not 
wanted in the doc

    * How do we decide what goes into exclude-classes?
AJH: I think there are some things you may not want documented.  Internal 
implementations, for example.

    * What is the namespaces section used for?
AJH:  This should be like other SWCs.

    One thing I’d like to fix is that none of the utility functions are 
appearing in the ASDocs. 
    Where would I look to try and fix this?
AJH:  I think that's something that never got implemented.  I was just working 
off a list of Classes.

    Also, there’s no docs for XML/XMLList. I see the following in the config 

              <!-- leave out XML.  In the SWF compile it confuses the compiler 
                   airglobal.swc also has an XML definition
<path-element>${frameworks_dir}/projects/XML/src/main/royale</path-element> -->

    I’m curious if there’s some way around this. Maybe even to hard-code XML 
AJH: At one point, Adobe promised to maintain the ASDoc for AS3 which would 
include XML.  That's probably no longer true.  Josh added a something recently 
to stub out playerglobal.  IMO, that could be used to generate AS3 ASDoc.


    > On Nov 29, 2021, at 9:22 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
    > IIRC, the "asdoc" target in the top-level build.xml does not work and is 
kept around in case we try to make it work the way Flex did.
    > Flex ASDoc used DITA and XSLT which I did not want to learn and figured 
most others didn't want to learn either, so I put together 
examples/royale/ASDoc.  Make sure you run the "clean" target otherwise it might 
not rebuild the "json" target which asks the Royale compiler to generate JSON 
from the ASDoc encountered while compiling the SWCs.
    > Looks like the Jenkins server hasn't built ASDoc in a long time because 
it was configured to be triggered by a build from another committer's Jenkins 
server which we never got working.  But the build currently fails locally as 
happens from time to time probably from unexpected or improperly formatted 
ASDoc comments.  Wade through the output, find the problem comments and either 
fix the compiler or adjust the comments.
    > The net result is a Royale app for Royale documentation, showcasing what 
Royale can do.
    > FWIW, I also put together examples/royale/RoyaleWebsite.  It might be 
worth considering again.  Past discussion concluded that Royale was more for 
webapps than websites, but it might be worth leaving behind WP and the custom 
theme and proving that either Royale can be the base for a site or that Royale 
integrates well into a standard website.  Maybe abandon that example as well 
and rebuild the site out of some popular non-WP thing (GH Pages?) and plug 
Royale applets into the html files to showcase a weather reporter or for the 
contactUs form.
    > HTH,
    > -Alex
    > On 11/28/21, 8:26 AM, "Yishay Weiss" <> wrote:
    >    Unfortunately it isn’t building now [1] (last successful build was a 
year and a half ago). I may be looking at the wrong thing because part of 0.9.8 
release was to check ASDocs so it would have passed then…
    >    [1] Royale_ASDoc_Example #956 Console [Jenkins] 
    >    From: Yishay Weiss<>
    >    Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2021 6:06 PM
    >    To:<>
    >    Subject: RE: ASDoc
    >    I see the following file being used
    >    examples/royale/ASDoc/build.xml
    >    From: Yishay Weiss<>
    >    Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2021 6:00 PM
    >    To:<>
    >    Subject: RE: ASDoc
    >    It’s built in CI server so I can have a look there at the config later 
if nobody else beats me to it.
    >    From: Harbs<>
    >    Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2021 3:51 PM
    >    To:<>
    >    Subject: Re: ASDoc
    >    I managed to generate compiler-royaleTasks.jar and I tried copying 
that manually and renaming it to royaleTasks.jar, but that didn’t help.
    >    I’m groping in the dark here…
    >    I think I’m going to have to wait for Alex...
    >> On Nov 28, 2021, at 3:33 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
    >> It’s defined in the top level here:
    >>    <target name="load-task" depends="runtime-setup">
    >>        <!-- load the <mxmlc> task; we can't do this at the <project> 
level -->
    >>        <!-- because targets that run before flexTasks.jar gets built 
would fail -->
    >>        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" 
    >>    </target>
    >> and in asdocs here:
    >>        <path id="flexTasks.path">
    >>            <fileset dir="${ROYALE_HOME}">
    >>                <include name="lib/royaleTasks.jar" />
    >>                <include name="ant/lib/royaleTasks.jar" />
    >>            </fileset>
    >>        </path>
    >>        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" 
    >> but for some reason flexTasks.path has no value.
    >> well, maybe it’s because royaleTasks.jar does not exist…
    >> I’ll have to see if I can figure out what creates that.
    >>> On Nov 28, 2021, at 3:26 PM, Andrew Wetmore < 
<>> wrote:
    >>> We have a resource file called flexTasks? Or did it get renamed to
    >>> something like royaleTasks and the script was not updated?
    >>> On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 9:10 AM Harbs < 
<>> wrote:
    >>>> Yeah…
    >>>> Harbss-Mac-mini:royale-asjs harbs$ ant asdoc
    >>>> Buildfile: /Apache/royale-asjs/build.xml
    >>>> asdoc:
    >>>>    [echo] ROYALE_HOME = /Apache/royale-asjs
    >>>>    [echo] royalelib = /Apache/royale-asjs/frameworks
    >>>>    [echo] doc_output = /Apache/royale-asjs/asdoc-output
    >>>>    [echo] compiler.source-path =
    >>>> /Apache/royale-asjs/frameworks/projects/*/src/main/royale
    >>>> clean:
    >>>> doc:
    >>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource flexTasks.tasks. It
    >>>> could not be found.
    >>>> /Apache/royale-asjs/build.xml:815: The following error occurred while
    >>>> executing this line:
    >>>> /Apache/royale-asjs/asdoc/build.xml:73: Problem: failed to create task 
    >>>> type asdoc
    >>>> Cause: The name is undefined.
    >>>> Action: Check the spelling.
    >>>> Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
    >>>> Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken
    >>>> place.
    >>>>> On Nov 28, 2021, at 2:29 PM, Andrew Wetmore < 
<>> wrote:
    >>>>> I see the build script here [1]. I presume you update the ASDoc files 
    >>>>> then run this script. HOW you run this script, I do not know.
    >>>>> a
    >>>>> [1];;sdata=HmTIu7WEw%2Fcamz6lvHq2OsNKK9WsLuwPnVHp3ZqECKg%3D&amp;reserved=0
    >>>>> On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 5:47 AM Harbs < 
<>> wrote:
    >>>>>> I don’t see any docs on the docs… ;-)
    >>>>>> I’d really like to work on this, but I’m not sure where to start.
    >>>>>>> On Nov 15, 2021, at 4:03 PM, Andrew Wetmore < 
    >>>> wrote:
    >>>>>>> I think there is some, um, documentation on building ASDoc on the
    >>>> wiki. I
    >>>>>>> will go look.
    >>>>>>> a
    >>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 8:59 AM Harbs < 
<>> wrote:
    >>>>>>>> I’m interested in improving the ASDoc app and info.
    >>>>>>>> Some things I’m interested in (besides improving the look) is:
    >>>>>>>> 1. Adding utility functions. Those seem to be missing.
    >>>>>>>> 2. Release versioning.
    >>>>>>>> 3. Add some top level info like XML.
    >>>>>>>> Who understands how ASDoc builds work?
    >>>>>>>> Thanks,
    >>>>>>>> Harbs
    >>>>>>> --
    >>>>>>> Andrew Wetmore
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Andrew Wetmore
    >>>>> Editor, Moose House Publications 
    >>>>> Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation 
    >>> --
    >>> Andrew Wetmore
    >>> Editor, Moose House Publications 
    >>> Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation 

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