I guess I'm confused.

If I set a string variable (i.e. title of a movie) to an unsafe value,
and then some class in Royale--written by someone else--uses that value
within some HTML that they then assign to an innerHTML, how am I protected?

That is, I set a string variable not knowing that it would be used in an
innerHTML, and the Royale developer didn't sanitize.

On 12/12/2021 2:33 AM, Harbs wrote:
>> If I need to prove (to the best of my ability) that my app is protected
>> against XSS with regards to innerHTML / innerText, how am I supposed to
>> do this?
> I think we should have a guarantee that the framework will not insert 
> unsanitized HTML without the knowledge of the developer.
> That was why I audited every use of innerHTML.
> I have been trying to get an answer to what others think a danger is, but I 
> have no gotten a clear answer yet.
> Here’s my thoughts:
> 1. The framework should not surprise the developer. If the developer did not 
> use innerHTML, their app should be safe on that front.
> 2. The framework should not set “src” without the knowledge of the developer 
> either.
> 3. If we identify other sources for XSS attacks, we should address that too.
> 4. For code that’s compiled from MXML or AS, there’s no danger of XSS 
> attacks, so there’s no need to sanitize code there. So any use of innerHTML 
> and the like or src and the like is safe.
> 5. We should provide easy methods for sanitizing string which might come from 
> an unsafe source. The developer should know if they are using potentially 
> dangerous sources.
> 6. If the developer does not use innerHTML, html or htmlText, setting text 
> values even from non-safe sources should be safe.
> 7. If the developer does want to use one of the html setters, they should 
> call foo.html = sanitizeHTML(badSource); That responsibility should be on the 
> developer’s shoulders. They are the only one who knows if they are setting 
> from an outside source and removing all the sharp knives from the drawer is 
> not our job IMO.
> 8. Setting url sources are called either “src” or “url”. Unless a developer 
> calls one of these setters, we should have a similar guarantee to innerHTML.
> 9. Again, coming from MXML and AS, there’s no danger setting src. The 
> exception to this would be for bound values. If a URL might be coming from an 
> untrusted source, the value should be set using sanitizeUrl(unsafeUrl).
> 10 I don’t know if there’s any danger when it comes to setting styles. If 
> someone can identify issues there, that should be addressed similarly.
> This should make it very straight-forward to audit an app to see if there’s 
> potential XSS dangers and not penalize the performance of the vast majority 
> of apps that don’t have these issues. I cannot figure out how unsafe html can 
> possibly get into any of my apps. I’d love to hear thoughts on where/when/how 
> such risks might arise.
> Thanks,
> Harbs
>> On Dec 11, 2021, at 12:26 AM, Edward Stangler wrote:
>> If I need to prove (to the best of my ability) that my app is protected
>> against XSS with regards to innerHTML / innerText, how am I supposed to
>> do this?
>> There are three possible protectors (normally):
>> a.  The browser.  The browsers will not able to do this automatically,
>> even with proposed standards.
>> b.  The framework.
>> c.  The application code.
>> With Label, for example, currently only htmlText = S will use
>> innerHTML.  But there could be a multitude of other APIs that eventually
>> cause framework code to set innerHTML.  It seems a monumental effort for
>> the developer to grep for all possible API calls that might somehow end
>> up doing an innerHTML = X in the framework, perhaps after layers and
>> layers of calls.  (And the developer may not be familiar with the app
>> code, either.)
>> That leaves the framework.  Seems pretty easy to grep for all uses of
>> innerHTML / innerText to validate it.
>> (And application code that uses innerHTML / innerText directly can be
>> validated like that, too, of course.)
>> Browsers are going to have HTML Sanitizer API some day:
>>    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Sanitizer_API
>> How is the application code suppose to even use this, if the framework
>> doesn't have a hook?  You really want to force apps to do
>> sanitizeFor(...).innerHTML?  That will cause double-parsing (since the
>> framework eventually does innerHTML = X on that value) and potential
>> side-effects if the two parses don't match due to context.
>> As for use cases, if something like Label or UITextField or such is used
>> in a List, and dataProvider comes from remote data, I would think it's
>> pretty easy to get into trouble if someone where to use htmlText = S for
>> display.  But that's just theoretical.
>> I'm actually not very familiar with how often the htmlText property is
>> used in the libraries.  I see that MX LegendItem seems to use it, but
>> maybe that's an outlier.
>> But htmlText is not the only place where innerHTML / innerText might be
>> used, so I don't want to focus just on that.  You don't know what Royale
>> contributors might use innerHTML / innerText for in the future, but you
>> could insist that they always call the sanitizer hook.
>> On 12/10/2021 4:27 AM, Harbs wrote:
>>> Sanitizing what? And why?
>>> What is the use case which is “dangerous”?
>>>> On Dec 10, 2021, at 11:49 AM, Edward Stangler wrote:
>>>> My mistake.
>>>> Definitely should be sanitizing.  If you want PAYG, then make it default
>>>> (some global function) and something that can be overridden by those who
>>>> want to live dangerously.

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