Can't debug, can you share your asconfig.json?

Do you have debug=true & sourcemap options?

Look, this is the asonfig.json of the example project I have published:

    "config": "royale",
    "type": "lib",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "debug": true,
        "targets": ["JSRoyale"],
        "source-path": [
        "include-namespaces": [
        "namespace": [
                "uri": "library://",
                "manifest": "src/main/resources/components-manifest.xml"
                "uri": "library://",
        "include-classes": [
        "include-sources": [
        "library-path": [
        "js-library-path": [
        "source-map": true,
        "remove-circulars": true,
        "keep-as3-metadata": [
            "Inject", "Dispatcher", "EventHandler", "PostConstruct", 
"PreDestroy", "ViewAdded", "ViewRemoved", "Bindable", "Transient"
        "js-default-initializers": true,
        "output": "target/RoyaleComponentsLib.swc"
    "copySourcePathAssets": true,


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Hugo Ferreira <> 
Enviado el: sábado, 21 de mayo de 2022 0:01
Para: Apache Royale Development <>
Asunto: Royale libraries with JS only


I was surprised today that I found that I can compile a library (SWC-JS) with 
the pure JS version of the framework.
I thought that I needed the SWF+JS version to be able to do that.
That's a great surprise and usefull to split and reuse comum parts of the code.

Since a SWC it's a zip file, what's thw reason to use the library.swf inside of 
the file ?
I guess that the catalog.xml it's used by IDE (on my case VS Code) ?

Why not call the file something different like JSL (Java Script Library) or ARL 
(Apache Royale Library) ?

I see that I can easly debug the library with VS Code (that it's expanded on 
the application project) but I'm debuging you JS only that's not bad but would 
be great if we can debug the AS3/MXML files => Perhaps a new asconfig.json 
variable to build with the necessary metadata as source files to debug.


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