If we now have a working process to maintain our website, can someone help
me update our documentation about it? This page [1] still gives guidance
for the WordPress site.


1. https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Release-Manager-(Web-Site)

On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 1:35 PM Andrew Wetmore <cottag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The help docs for working with the Pelican website template are now up to
> date. The main page is here [1].
> The main changes are on the getting-started page [2] and the page about
> building and testing locally [3]. For the latter, there is now a
> downloadable tool that simplifies the local-build process.
> [1] https://infra.apache.org/asf-pelican.html
> [2] https://infra.apache.org/asf-pelican-gettingstarted.html
> [3] https://infra.apache.org/asf-pelican-local.html
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:42 AM Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> wrote:
>> +1
>> Hiedra
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>> Enviado el: lunes, 18 de julio de 2022 23:55
>> Para: Apache Royale Development <dev@royale.apache.org>
>> Asunto: Deploy new Royale static site as-is?
>> Hi all,
>> I just created a new 11ty branch in the apache/royale-website repo, and I
>> added the source files for the static site that I built with Eleventy.
>> https://github.com/apache/royale-website/tree/11ty
>> I made it so that Github Actions builds the site from source and deploys
>> the output to the asf-staging branch. In the asf-staging branch, I added an
>> .asf.yaml file, which currently deploys every new commit at the following
>> staging URL:
>> https://royale-11ty.staged.apache.org/
>> It would be a relatively easy change to configure this repo to deploy to
>> the production royale.apache.org website instead.
>> I feel that it's better for Royale's future to have an updated website
>> working sooner rather than later. I propose that we move forward with what
>> we have now, instead of waiting any longer to migrate to Pelican. I have
>> nothing against Pelican, and I'm totally okay with using it in the future.
>> I simply think that it's better to replace the old website with
>> **anything** that we can update properly, since the old website doesn't
>> even mention the newest two Royale SDK releases.
>> Does anyone object to moving forward with the Elventy-based site for now?
>> --
>> Josh Tynjala
>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
> --
> Andrew Wetmore
> Editor, Moose House Publications <https://moosehousepress.com/>
> Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation <https://apache.org/>

Andrew Wetmore

Editor, Moose House Publications <https://moosehousepress.com/>
Editor-Writer, The Apache Software Foundation <https://apache.org/>

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