While I was working on the new AS3 language syntax from AIR 50, I noticed
that changes to the RawASTokenizer.lex file wouldn't be included in the
compiler .jar files unless I ran `ant clean` first. Perhaps our build
script has an assumption that the core AS3 token syntax doesn't change much.

With that in mind, cloning a fresh copy of the repo would require the .lex
files to be processed, similarly to a clean build.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 3:21 AM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure what was happening there, but cloning from repo and running ant
> scripts does seem to work.
> From: Yishay Weiss<mailto:yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2022 11:20 AM
> To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Compiler not buiding in Ant, any ideas?
> tests:
>     [junit] Running as.ASAbstractClassTests
>     [junit] looking for
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\env.properties
>     [junit] environment property - FLEX_HOME =
> C:\MoonshineSDKs\Flex_SDK\Flex_4.16.1_AIR_32.0
>     [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME = C:\dev\player
>     [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_VERSION = 11.1
>     [junit] environment property - TLF_HOME = null
>     [junit] environment property - AIR_HOME =
> C:\MoonshineSDKs\Flex_SDK\Flex_4.16.1_AIR_32.0
>     [junit] environment property - FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER =
> C:\dev\content_debugger\flashplayer_32_sa_debug.exe
>     [junit] environment property - ASJS_HOME =
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-asjs
>     [junit] environment property - GOOG_HOME = c:\dev\goog_home
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>     [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests2513614478
> 847439910.as
>     [junit]
>     [junit] 794 bytes written to
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests2513614478847439910.swf
> in 0.842 seconds
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit]
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>     [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests1794492585
> 075857429.as
>     [junit]
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit]
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests1794492585
> 075857429.as(15): col: 9 Internal error: Unable to generate code for 'var'
>     [junit]
>     [junit]         var obj:A = new B();
>     [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
>     [junit] Unable to generate code for 'var'
>     [junit]         ^
>     [junit]
>     [junit]
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>     [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests7943759737
> 369516615.as
>     [junit]
>     [junit] 786 bytes written to
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests7943759737369516615.swf
> in 0.198 seconds
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit]
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>     [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests1620344814
> 896536570.as
>     [junit]
>    [junit] 791 bytes written to
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests1620344814896536570.swf
> in 0.211 seconds
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit]
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>    [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests9104213270
> 379958485.as
>     [junit]
>     [junit]
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests9104213270
> 379958485.as(34): col: 7 Error: Method b in abstract class B not
> implemented by class C
>     [junit]
>     [junit] class C extends B {
>     [junit]       ^
>     [junit]
>     [junit]
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests9104213270
> 379958485.as(34): col: 7 Error: Method a in abstract class A not
> implemented by class C
>     [junit]
>     [junit] class C extends B {
>     [junit]       ^
>     [junit]
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit] Method b in abstract class B not implemented by class C
>     [junit] Method a in abstract class A not implemented by class C
>     [junit]
>     [junit] Generating test:
>     [junit] Compiling test:
>     [junit] -external-library-path=C:\dev\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc
> -allow-abstract-classes=true
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests8758880818
> 104861768.as
>     [junit]
>     [junit]
> C:\dev\full_royale_sdk\royale-compiler\compiler\target\junit-temp\ASAbstractClassTests8758880818
> 104861768.as(33): col: 7 Error: Method a in abstract class A not
> implemented by class C
>     [junit]
>     [junit] class C extends B {
>     [junit]       ^
>     [junit]
>     [junit] After compile:
>     [junit] Method a in abstract class A not implemented by class C
>     [j

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