I had some issues getting FunctionalTests to pass due to timing issues. It 
might not work reliably on all machines. You can probably [Ignore] the 
problematic one(s). Which ones fail?

> On May 4, 2023, at 11:24 PM, Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The encoding issues were fixed (had to set java_tool_options on CI server). 
> After running the approval script however I noticed I did not update 
> releasemgr/RELEASE_NOTES. Also, there is a unit test fail:
> Suite: flexUnitTests.FunctionalTests
> Tests run: 4, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.492 sec
> ________________________________
> From: Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 10:28 AM
> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
> Update on current status:
> Thanks to Josh's fixes to compiler and typedefs we have reproducible binary 
> artifacts in maven build. The main release archives, however, still have some 
> issues:
> a) Line ending inconsistency in source files. I think this is fixed by 
> changing git global settings on CI to core.autocrlf to 'input'.
> b) differences in PNG, gif, ico, mp3, mp4, ttf  for source files. I suspect 
> ant zip task is compressing these, so I'll have to change build script to 
> disable compression for those files.
> c) Encoding differences in txt, as, DEPENDENCIES source files. I will need to 
> figure out where this encoding happens, I suspect it's a zip task issue too.
> ________________________________
> From: Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 3:25 PM
> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
> Thanks, that worked.
> ________________________________
> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 9:15 PM
> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
> It looks like the jquery-1.9.js externs download was being cached by
> download-maven-plugin, and one machine had an older version than the other.
> We were skipping the cache for other .js externs downloads already, so I
> updated them all to skip the cache.
> Hopefully, this will be the last difference. Give it another try!
> --
> Josh Tynjala
> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 12:17 AM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I started another release candidate. Somehow, I'm getting a
>> reproducibility problem which did not exist before in type-defs.
>> If somebody wants to confirm  you can try to reproduce the problem with
>> the following step:
>> From the royale-typedefs repo:
>> 1. Run ant -f releasesteps.xml Release_Step_007 -Drelease.version=0.9.10
>> -DskipTests=true
>> I had to  locally modify releasesteps.xml (line 122) to add CI
>> crendentials [1]. I still need to fix the permissions in CI.
>> What I'm seeing is that locally built
>> royale-typedefs-jquery-0.9.10-typedefs.swc does not match archived one.
>> [1] username="****" password="***"
>> ________________________________
>> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 11:52 PM
>> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
>> Alright, my commit today seems to do the trick. All SWC files in the
>> js/libs, frameworks/libs, and frameworks/js/libs directories are a binary
>> match when I compare the Maven distribution as built on macOS vs built on
>> Windows.
>> You need to make sure to pull the latest develop branch for both
>> royale-compiler and royale-asjs.
>> --
>> Josh Tynjala
>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 5:59 AM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> I still need to figure out the duplicate hoisted variables in MXRoyale.
>>> I can confirm it's still happening. It does not happen on my machine with
>>> a simple "mvn clean install".
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>>> Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 2:01 AM
>>> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>>> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
>>> My latest commits make the Jewel and JewelJS SWC files match between my
>>> macOS and Windows machines. I ended up having to switch to a different
>>> Maven Sass plugin because I realized the one we were using was no longer
>>> maintained, and it was misbehaving. This new plugin is based on the newer
>>> Sass that doesn't support CRLF output at all, so the changes I talked
>> about
>>> in my previous email ended up being a strict requirement.
>>> I still need to figure out the duplicate hoisted variables in MXRoyale.
>>> I'll need to dive into that on another day.
>>> --
>>> Josh Tynjala
>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>> On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 9:57 AM Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Some more findings:
>>>> The difference in Jewel appears to be caused by defaults.css. The Maven
>>>> build at some point was updated to force Sass to output CRLF on
>> Windows,
>>> to
>>>> keep Git from saying that the file is modified after regenerating it.
>>>> Unfortunately, this breaks the ability to do a cross-platform
>>> reproducible
>>>> build because every other platform uses LF. I'm probably going to undo
>>> this
>>>> change (sorry, Greg!).  However, it looks like adding a .gitattributes
>>> file
>>>> to the repo allows us to force line endings for specific files or
>>>> extensions, regardless of autocrlf behavior. It should provide the same
>>>> benefit as Greg's commit, while restoring reproducible builds. Side
>>> note: I
>>>> also found that modern Sass doesn't even provide the option to use
>> CRLF,
>>> so
>>>> this change is probably for the best because we may need to upgrade
>> Sass
>>> in
>>>> the future.
>>>> The situation with duplicates of hoisted variables in
>>>> MXRoyaleBase/MXRoyale in JDK 17 might be a threading conflict (and
>>> probably
>>>> could happen with JDK 11 too, if conditions are correct). When the
>> issue
>>>> reproduces, I see that the function scope actually contains duplicate
>>>> definitions of every local variable, instead of just one of each.
>>>> Interestingly, if I add enough logging to help myself debug this issue,
>>> the
>>>> scope ends up containing one of each local variable, and it doesn't
>>>> duplicate the hoisted variables anymore. That makes me think multiple
>>>> threads may be manipulating the scope.
>>>> --
>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>> On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 2:42 PM Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Some preliminary findings:
>>>>> Jewel:
>>>>> - Some plaintext [Embed] content was not matching up between macOS and
>>>>> Windows. It was clearly a text encoding issue. I fixed a compiler bug
>>>>> where it was using the system default encoding instead of UTF-8. A
>>>>> workaround would be to use JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8.
>>>>> - The SWF files inside the Jewel SWCs still do not match between my
>>>>> machines. I still need to figure out why. Probably a missing compiler
>>>>> option in the Jewel pom.xml file.
>>>>> MXRoyale and MXRoyaleBase:
>>>>> - On Windows, I was seeing hoisted variables appear in the JS output
>>>>> twice. I noticed that I was using JDK 11 on macOS, and JDK 17 on
>>> Windows.
>>>>> When I switched to JDK 11 on Windows, the problem went away. It looks
>>> like
>>>>> there's a bug in the compiler that needs to be fixed to support JDK
>> 17.
>>>>> Until then, I recommend building with JDK 11 or older (8 should be
>> fine
>>>>> too).
>>>>> --
>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 10:11 AM Josh Tynjala <
>> joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Alright, I built the distribution locally with Maven on two different
>>>>>> machines, and I can see that the following SWCs don't match: Jewel,
>>>>>> MXRoyale, and MXRoyaleBase
>>>>>> It affects both the JS and SWF versions of the SWCs.
>>>>>> I'll see what I can do.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 8:04 AM Josh Tynjala <
>> joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, it's on by default.
>>>>>>> I guess that there must be some other reason why the builds don't
>>> match
>>>>>>> up. I just happened to notice this, in particular, was different
>>> between
>>>>>>> the Ant build and the Maven build.
>>>>>>> You may need to extract the .swc files and manually compare the
>>>>>>> contents to see what is different.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 4:01 AM Yishay Weiss <yishayj...@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is that option on by default? I just tried building both on release
>>>>>>>> machine and locally and am still getting the mismatch.
>>>>>>>> <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${artifactfolder}/sources"
>>>>>>>> failonerror="true" >
>>>>>>>>            <arg value="-X" />
>>>>>>>>            <arg value="-P" />
>>>>>>>>            <arg
>> value="royale-release,apache-release,_reproducible-build,with-distribution,with-examples,with-manualtests,option-with-swf"
>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>>            <arg value="clean" />
>>>>>>>>            <arg value="install" />
>>>>>>>>        </exec>
>>>>>>>> Is how it gets built now locally. Intuitively debug info should not
>>> be
>>>>>>>> part of the release but I need to look into it further.
>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 6:17 PM
>>>>>>>> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
>>>>>>>> Hey Yishay,
>>>>>>>> I recently made a commit that adds the swf-debugfile-alias compiler
>>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>>> for SWC files built by Maven. This compiler option was being used
>> by
>>>>>>>> Ant
>>>>>>>> already, but it never got added to the Maven build. And I think
>> that
>>>>>>>> binaries would fail comparison without it. This may be why Release
>>>>>>>> Step 11
>>>>>>>> was failing for you.
>>>>>>>> Basically, swf-debugfile-alias ensures that the debugging
>> information
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the SWC doesn't include the local path to the .as/.mxml source
>> files
>>>>>>>> (starting with something like C:\Users\joshtynjala\ or
>>>>>>>> /Users/CoolGuy19/).
>>>>>>>> Instead, it sets a generic path that will always match among builds
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> different machines. Considering this was missing, it sure sounds
>>> like a
>>>>>>>> reason why binary comparison would fail.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:38 AM Yishay Weiss <
>>> yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> FYI I am put this on hold about 2 weeks ago after failing to
>> debug
>>> a
>>>>>>>>> binary reproducibility issue in as-js repo.
>>>>>>>>> @Harbs<mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>, can you see if the same
>>> issue
>>>>>>>>> exists for you?
>>>>>>>>> You can follow instructions [1] and tell me if step 2 succeeded
>> or
>>>>>>>> failed
>>>>>>>>> for you.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>> apacheroyale.francecentral.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Royale_Release_Step_011/ws/Success-5.txt
>>>>>>>>> <
>> http://apacheroyale.francecentral.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Royale_Release_Step_011/ws/Success-5.txt
>>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>>> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 10:08 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
>>>>>>>>> Oops! I meant NO further changes. Sorry about that. You're good
>> to
>>>>>>>> go on my
>>>>>>>>> end.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 11:32 AM Yishay Weiss <
>>>>>>>> yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the update, let me know when to pull the trigger.
>>>>>>>>>> Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> From: Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 7:05:29 PM
>>>>>>>>>> To: dev@royale.apache.org <dev@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 0.9.10 Release
>>>>>>>>>> I've updated the release notes with my changes. I have further
>>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>>>>> planned before the release.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Josh Tynjala
>>>>>>>>>> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 12:40 AM Yishay Weiss <
>>>>>>>> yishayj...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>>>>>>>>> We’re starting a new release soon. As it’s been a while and I
>>>>>>>> expect
>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>> issues I have agreed with Harbs to do this release. 0.9.11
>>>>>>>> should be
>>>>>>>>>> easier
>>>>>>>>>>> if we don’t wait too long, so the goal is for a different
>>>>>>>> volunteer to
>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>> the next one.
>>>>>>>>>>> If anybody wants to commit changes they are welcome to do so
>>>>>>>> now, and
>>>>>>>>>>> update the release notes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please make sure the integration tests are working post
>>> commits.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Yishay

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