This RC has a couple of issues when installing the js-swf version with npm.

npm install -g apache-royale-0.9.10-bin-js-swf.tar.gz

1) The download URLs are no longer valid for playerglobal.swc and the Adobe
AIR SDK. At some point, Adobe stopped providing anything before version
32.0, and we were trying to download 25.0. I fixed this issue today, in
this commit:

2) Newer versions of npm (since v7, I think) no longer display any prompts
to the user when a package has a "postinstall" script. We have a
"postinstall" script that asks the user to accept Adobe's licenses and
download the binaries. By default, npm now just skips this dependency
installation entirely because it aborts the "postinstall" script when it
tries to prompt.

One available workaround is to tell users to add --foreground-scripts to
the npm install command. This will show the prompts, though they are kind
of mixed together with npm's progress bar, which isn't ideal. The user can
optionally add --no-progress to hide the progress bar.

Another workaround is to set the environment
variable ACCEPT_ALL_ROYALE_LICENSES to true before installing. No prompts
required, and the "postinstall" script completes successfully.

The first issue is the bigger one, since it prevents the SWF/JS
distribution from installing its dependencies under any circumstances. As I
said, it's now fixed on royale-asjs develop.

For the second issue, we can update our npm install instructions on the
website to include --foreground-scripts. It's not ideal, but we can come up
with a better solution later.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <>

On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 1:58 AM Yishay Weiss <> wrote:

> This is the discuss thread.

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