Hi all,

One cool feature in other languages similar to AS3, such as TypeScript or
Haxe, is type inference. It allows developers to optionally omit a type
declaration from a variable, or a function signature, by having the
compiler automatically detect an appropriate type from context.

For example, you traditionally would declare a variable with a String type
like this:

var s:String = "hello";

If you enable type inference, you can declare the same variable like this
instead because the compiler knows that the initializer is a string.

var s = "hello";

Type inference applies to local/member/static variables, getters/setters,
function parameters, and function return values. If a function has multiple
return statements, the type inference will try to find a common base type,
if possible. If a type cannot be inferred for any reason, the compiler will
fall back to the * type, and you'll get a warning, the same as when type
inference is disabled.

If you build the compiler from source (or download the next nightly build),
you can enable this feature in your project using the new -infer-types=true
compiler option. It is opt-in for now, to avoid any potential backwards
compatibility issues with existing code.

I also wrote some documentation with examples and more detailed


Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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