¿FontAwesome5ProIconType o FontAwesomePro5Type? 😝 


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> 
Enviado el: domingo, 21 de abril de 2024 20:23
Para: dev@royale.apache.org
Asunto: RE: Align the FontAwesome5Type class with the latest 5x version

I have completed the FontAwesome5Type class with all the icons from the latest 
version 5.x, 5.15.4, Free and I have created the new FontAwesome6Type class (I 
made this modification the other day)

I have followed the following criteria:
- The constants of the new icons for the "numeric digits: 0, 1, 2, ... 9" begin 
with "N" (N1, N2, N3...N9) and I have respected the name of the constants that 
began by a number, such as "500px", a value corresponding to the constant 

- The name of a constant matches its value but in capital letters and with the 
"hyphens" (-) replaced by "underscore" (_) public static const 
ALIGN_JUSTIFY:String = "align-justify";

- I have only left the icons from the Free version.
- I have added the icons of the Professional version, which existed in the 
FontAwesome5Type class, to the end of the class "temporarily".

I have obtained the list of icons from the github repositories: version 5.15.4 
[1] and version 6.5.2 [2] I am implementing these changes in an independent 
branch [3] until you confirm that it is right or wrong for you.
Next, I'm going to create the FontAwesome5ProType class.

[1] https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/5.x
[2] https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/6.x
[3] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/tree/fontIcon/toplineup_fontawesome5


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> Enviado el: domingo, 21 de abril de 
2024 14:01
Para: dev@royale.apache.org
Asunto: Align the FontAwesome5Type class with the latest 5x version

I wanted to ask you a couple of questions...

I want to align the FontAwesome5Type class with the latest 5x version, 5.15.4 
to complete it (I understand that there will be no more modifications because 
version 6x came out) In this class, now, the icons of the "Free" version are 
mixed with those of the "Pro" version.
Wouldn't it be better to divide this class into two? leave the Free icons in 
the current class and create a new FontAwesome5ProType for the Pro icons?

On the other hand, I have detected some errors (for now):
area-chart really is chart-area, and the same thing happens with bar-chart and 
bar-pie, (chart-bar and chart-pie) My question is... would you modify the name 
of the variable as well or leave it as is?
For example:
Now:      public static const AREA_CHART:String = "area-chart";
Opt. 1:   public static const AREA_CHART:String = "chart-area";
Opt. 2:   public static const CHART_AREA:String = "chart-area";

Option 1 or Option 2?

Let me know your opinion.


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